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The concept of legal heirs and inheritance in India


The concept of legal heirs and inheritance is an integral part of the legal system in India. Legal heir refers to the person or persons who succeed to the property and assets of a deceased person after his or her death. The law of inheritance and succession applicable in the particular jurisdiction where the deceased person resided at the time of his or her death determines the legal heirs. In this blog, we will discuss who can be a legal heir, their eligibility and advantage, the process to get a legal heir certificate in India, and the difference between a legal heir certificate and a succession certificate.

Who can be a legal heir?

The legal heirs of a person are determined by the personal laws applicable to him or her based on factors such as religion, caste, and gender. In India, the laws of inheritance and succession are different for different religions, such as Hindus, Muslims, Christians, and Parsis.

For Hindus, the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 governs the inheritance of property and assets. According to the Act, the legal heirs of a Hindu male dying intestate (without a will) are his wife, children, and mother, whereas in the case of a Hindu female dying intestate, her husband, children, and mother are the legal heirs.

For Muslims, the personal laws of the Sharia govern the inheritance of property and assets. According to the Sharia, the legal heirs of a Muslim male dying intestate are his wife, children, parents, and siblings, whereas in the case of a Muslim female dying intestate, her husband, children, parents, and siblings are the legal heirs.

For Christians and Parsis, the Indian Succession Act, 1925 applies to the inheritance of property and assets. According to the Act, the legal heirs of a Christian or Parsi person dying intestate are his or her spouse, children, parents, and siblings.

Eligibility and advantage of being a legal heir

To be eligible to be a legal heir, a person must establish that he or she is related to the deceased person either by blood or marriage, and that he or she is entitled to inherit under the applicable law of inheritance and succession.

The advantage of being a legal heir is that the person is entitled to inherit the property and assets of the deceased person. This is particularly important in cases where the deceased person has not made a will, as the legal heirs will inherit the property and assets according to the law of inheritance and succession applicable to them.

However, it is important to note that the process of inheritance can often be complicated and time-consuming, particularly if there are disputes between the legal heirs. Therefore, it is advisable to seek legal advice and assistance to ensure that the process is smooth and efficient.

Process to get a legal heir certificate in India

In India, the process to obtain a legal heir certificate involves submitting an application to the local revenue department or municipal corporation, along with the necessary documents such as the death certificate of the deceased person, proof of the applicant’s relationship with the deceased person, and proof of residence.

The application must be submitted in the prescribed format and must include all the relevant details, such as the name of the deceased person, the names and addresses of the legal heirs, and the details of the property and assets to be inherited.

Once the application is submitted, the revenue department or municipal corporation will verify the documents and conduct an inquiry to establish the identity of the legal heirs. Once the inquiry is complete, the legal heir certificate will be issued.

Difference between legal heir certificate and succession certificate

A succession certificate, on the other hand, is a legal document issued by a civil court to the legal heirs of a deceased person, which establishes their entitlement to inherit the property and assets of the deceased person. The process to obtain a succession certificate in India involves filing.

While both a legal heir certificate and a succession certificate are related to inheritance and succession of property and assets, there are some key differences between the two:

Purpose: A legal heir certificate is a document that establishes the identity of the legal heirs of a deceased person, while a succession certificate establishes the right of the legal heirs to inherit the property and assets of the deceased person.

Issuing authority: A legal heir certificate is issued by the revenue department or municipal corporation, while a succession certificate is issued by a civil court.

Jurisdiction: A legal heir certificate is issued by the revenue department or municipal corporation where the deceased person resided at the time of his or her death, while a succession certificate is issued by a civil court having jurisdiction over the area where the deceased person’s property is situated.

Requirements: To obtain a legal heir certificate, the applicant must provide proof of the deceased person’s death and the relationship between the applicant and the deceased person. To obtain a succession certificate, the legal heirs must file a petition in the civil court and provide evidence to establish their right to inherit the property and assets of the deceased person.

Validity: A legal heir certificate is valid only for the purpose of establishing the identity of the legal heirs and does not confer any right to inherit the property and assets of the deceased person. On the other hand, a succession certificate is a legal document that establishes the right of the legal heirs to inherit the property and assets of the deceased person and is valid for a period of one year from the date of issue.


In conclusion, a legal heir certificate and a succession certificate are both important documents in the context of inheritance and succession of property and assets. While a legal heir certificate establishes the identity of the legal heirs, a succession certificate establishes their right to inherit the property and assets of the deceased person. It is important to understand the differences between the two and to obtain the relevant document as per the requirements of the situation. It is advisable to seek legal advice and assistance to ensure a smooth and efficient process of inheritance and succession.

Legal heir refers to the person or persons who succeed to the property and assets of a deceased person after his or her death. The legal heirs are determined by the law of inheritance and succession applicable in the particular jurisdiction where the deceased person resided at the time of his or her death.

In India, the legal heirs of a person are determined by the personal laws applicable to him or her based on factors such as religion, caste, and gender. For example, the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 governs the inheritance of property and assets of Hindus, while the Indian Succession Act, 1925 applies to the inheritance of non-Hindus.

To be eligible to be a legal heir, a person must establish that he or she is related to the deceased person either by blood or marriage, and that he or she is entitled to inherit under the applicable law of inheritance and succession. The advantage of being a legal heir is that the person is entitled to inherit the property and assets of the deceased person.

In India, the process to obtain a legal heir certificate involves submitting an application to the local revenue department or municipal corporation, along with the necessary documents such as the death certificate of the deceased person, proof of the applicant’s relationship with the deceased person, and proof of residence.

A succession certificate, on the other hand, is a legal document issued by a civil court to the legal heirs of a deceased person, which establishes their entitlement to inherit the property and assets of the deceased person. The process to obtain a succession certificate in India involves filing a petition before the civil court and submitting the necessary documents such as the death certificate of the deceased person, proof of the applicant’s relationship with the deceased person, and proof of the value of the assets to be inherited.

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