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Trademark Hearing

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Trademark Hearing

Trademark Hearing

Objections to trademarks occur when there is an issue with the manner in which the application was submitted, the trademark itself, or for other reasons. In some cases, the response to the examination report is sufficient to help you get your application and trademark accepted. However, in most cases, they are not beneficial. The next stage is therefore the trademark hearing.

The trademark hearing is a procedure in which, if the applicant’s reply is ineffective, the trademark registrar sends the applicant a notice to show cause. This notice requires the petitioner or the applicant’s representative to appear before a tribunal in order to present the case.

Trademark hearings require competent trademark attorneys by your side. The correct attorney’s decision can result in the registrar accepting your trademark.

Therefore, you should seek out only the most qualified trademark attorneys. Fortunately, LegalDoor can provide you with tenacity, talent, and determination to have your rejected trademark approved.

Documents Required?

1. Trademark examination report
2. Copy of the trademark reply to the examination report
3. TM-A: A form that specifies that you are giving the attorney the power to act on your behalf.
4. Documents that the attorney thinks are required to enforce your reply.


Trademark hearing occurs after the failure of trademark objection reply where either the applicant or the applicant’s representative has to be physically present at the registrar’s office to make the case to get the mark advertised.

You get three chances to appear in the hearing.

Until and unless the trademark is either accepted or is rejected, the hearings shall go on.

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