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LMPC certificate

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LMPC certificate

LMPC certificate

LMPC (Legal Metrology Packaged Commodities) certificate in India is a certification that ensures that packaged goods sold to consumers comply with the legal requirements for weights and measures. The Legal Metrology Act, 2009, governs the standards for weights and measures of all packaged goods sold in India.

The LMPC certificate is issued by the Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Government of India. The certification process involves checking the weight, volume, or number of the products to ensure that they match the declared quantity on the label. The certification also ensures that the packaging of the product is accurate and meets the standards set by the government.

The LMPC certificate is mandatory for all packaged goods sold in India, including food and non-food items. The certificate is valid for a period of five years from the date of issue and must be renewed after the expiry of the certificate.


Documents Required Why Legal Door

The certification process involves submitting an application to the Department of Consumer Affairs, along with the required documents, such as product labels, declaration of conformity, and test reports. The department then conducts an inspection of the packaging and product to ensure compliance with the legal requirements. If the product passes the inspection, the LMPC certificate is issued to the manufacturer or supplier.

The LMPC certificate helps to protect consumers from unfair trade practices and ensures that they receive the correct quantity of the product they are purchasing. It also helps to promote fair competition among manufacturers and suppliers by enforcing the same standards for all products.

In conclusion, the LMPC certificate is a mandatory certification required for all packaged goods sold in India. It ensures that the products comply with the legal requirements for weights and measures set by the government. The certification process involves checking the packaging and product to ensure compliance, and the certificate is valid for a period of five years.

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LMPC certificate in India is a certification that ensures that packaged goods sold to consumers comply with the legal requirements for weights and measures set by the government.

The LMPC certificate is issued by the Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Government of India.

All packaged goods sold in India, including food and non-food items, require an LMPC certificate.

The LMPC certificate is necessary to protect consumers from unfair trade practices and ensure that they receive the correct quantity of the product they are purchasing. It also promotes fair competition among manufacturers and suppliers by enforcing the same standards for all products.

The LMPC certificate is valid for a period of five years from the date of issue.

The certification process involves submitting an application to the Department of Consumer Affairs, along with the required documents, such as product labels, declaration of conformity, and test reports. The department then conducts an inspection of the packaging and product to ensure compliance with the legal requirements. If the product passes the inspection, the LMPC certificate is issued to the manufacturer or supplier.

Yes, LMPC certificate is mandatory for all packaged goods sold or imported in India.

No, it is illegal to sell or distribute any packaged product in India without an LMPC certificate.

Selling products without an LMPC certificate in India is a punishable offense and may lead to legal action, penalties, or fines.

Yes, the LMPC certificate can be renewed after expiry for another period of five years.

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