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Society Registration (NGO)

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Society Registration (NGO)

A society is a group of people who have come together with mutual consent to plan, rule, and work together for a common good. Societies are typically established to enhance philanthropic endeavors such as education, sports, music, culture, and other fields.

Registration under the Society India’s Society Registration Act outlines specific procedures for society registration and operation. This law was established to strengthen the requirements for society registration under the law in order to enhance the fine arts, sciences, or public awareness for beneficial objectives. Several state governments have approved the Society Registration Act of 1860, with or without additional revisions.

Advantages  of society registration:

Promotion of fine arts
Diffusion of political education
Grant of charitable assistance
Promotion of science and literature
Creation of military orphan funds
Maintenance or foundation of galleries or public museum
Maintenance or foundation of reading rooms or libraries
Promotion or diffusion or instruction of useful knowledge
Required documents How we process

The documents required for society registration are the following:

1. PAN card
2. Residential Proof
3. Bye-laws
4. Covering letter
5. Address Proof
6. List of the members of the society
7. Self declaration from the president of the society

At least 7 people are required to form a society, but more are preferred. Companies, foreigners, and other registered societies may also register for the society's memorandum of association in addition to Indian citizens. Society can also be registered or unregistered, similar to partnership firms. However, consigned properties and/or an ensemble filed against or by the society will only be able to survive registered societies. State governments manage society registration. As a result, the application for society registration must be made to the relevant state government where the society's registered office is located. The founding members must first agree on the name of the society before putting together the Memorandum and Rules for registration.


The property of the society vests in the name of the society and the same can be sold as per the terms mentioned in the bye-laws of the society. (e.g., approval from the Executive Committee Member)

Based on the cause and objectives, NGOs can be registered as Trust or Section 8 companies.

While naming a society, you should keep the following in mind:

1.The names that you choose should not attract the provisions of the names and emblems act 1950.
2. The name that you choose for the society should be unique.
3.You should not use any names or emblems without the permission of the authority.
4. You are not allowed to sue the names of the national heroes.
5. The names should adhere to the opinions of the registrar.

The documents for new society registration are as follows: 1. Model By-laws 2. Performa of the enquiry 3. List of Promoted members 4. Copy of promotional meeting resolution resolving: a. Name of the society b. Admission fees c. Liabilities d. Total number of members e. Etc.

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