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Logo Copyright

Logo Copyright

Logo Copyright

A custom-designed logo represents your brand and company to potential customers and clients worldwide. Similar to your company’s name, your logo establishes a distinct presence on the global market for your brand identity.

This implies that your logo should signify your company and set you apart from the competition.

Don’t neglect to register the copyright of your logo design, as it represents the goodwill of your business.

With this, you can prevent other companies or brands from stealing or using your logo.

Copyright for Logos On Goods

People relate to a company’s logo, which is a pictorial or graphical representation, as an integral component of its marketing. Thus, it is essential to have a distinctive logo to distinguish the brand from competitors and establish its reputation. Regarding the protection of logos, there is undoubtedly a degree of ambiguity. Are they protected under copyright or trademark law? In most instances, corporations use both limbs to protect their logos. The Copyright Act expressly states that it protects only original and creative works. In the case of logos, at least one is absent. Sometimes, the fact that trademark names and colours are not protected by copyright makes matters worse. Only extremely artistic logos are considered to be protected by copyright. Logos of sufficient quality qualify for protection under both trademark and copyright. It ensures that competitors cannot use the trademark to confuse customers and that it cannot be replicated in any way.

Copyright for Service Logo

A logo is among the most creative forms of art. It is amusing to observe a singular entity representing a service without using words. However, protecting a logo from plagiarists can be tedious, particularly in a competitive market where competitors are constantly looking for ways to confuse the consumer base of an established brand.

For services, a service mark is used to preserve a logo, while trademarks are used for products. It must be remembered that logos cannot be patented or protected by copyright. Copyrights apply to literature, paintings, and everything else, whereas patents apply to inventions.

As soon as a person obtains his original logo, he can decide whether to use the SM or TM symbol next to it. Utilizing TM indicates that the logo is your intellectual property and must not be replicated under any circumstances. Once you have begun using TM or SM alongside your logo, you can register your trademark. In fact, low-level businesses never register their logos and use the TM symbol eternally.

Documents Required?

1. NOC of the Author
2. Search Certificate for Copyright
3. 2 Copies of Logo

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