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Change of Object of the Company

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Change of Object of the Company

Change of Object of the Company

The Memorandum of Association (MOA) of a company contains object clauses which determine the purpose and range of activities of a company. Sometimes, the objectives of the company are needed to be changed after incorporation for certain requirements. Section 13 of the Companies Act, 2013 provides for changing object clause

Required documents How we process Why Legal Door
  1. Notice of EGM
  2. Certified true copy of special resolution
  3. Copy of altered MOA
  4. Minutes of extra ordinary general meeting
  5. Articles of Association (AOA)
  6. List of shareholders
  7. Proposed new business activities of the company
  1. Pass board resolution
  2. Special Resolution in EGM
  3. MGT-14 to be filed with ROC
  4. Issue of fresh certificate of incorporation
  5. Incorporation object clause in MOA and AOA
  • Simple and quick procedure
  • You will receive advice from experts when determining what to include in the company's primary and secondary objectives.
  • We will alter your MoA after drafting a resolution and completing and filing the necessary paperwork for you.
  • You receive the best assistance.
  • Your questions will all be addressed.

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