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Trade License

Trade License

Trade License in Gaur City

An authorised state government agency will issue a legal certificate as a trade license (usually a local municipality). It enables the applicant (a person or party) to start running a business in a certain location. The enterprise is obligated to follow all policies and guidelines provided by the licensing body. The company’s online trade license attests that it doesn’t engage in any unethical behaviour that could affect residents of the designated area. The petition must be delivered to the authority’s designated commissioner at least 30 days before the job begins. The applicant or business must present the required documents during this time.

Food Establishment License : All establishments that provide food service must have this kind of license.

Industrial License : Any business that wishes to open a small or mid-sized industrial unit must obtain this form of license.

Shop License : Anyone who wants to open a shop must get this licence. Often, the shop is of any kind of retail.

Eligibility for a Trade License :

Candidate more likely achieved the age of 18 years
Candidate must not have any criminal records
Organizations must be legally passable
Why Legal Door ? Required documents

With just a few clicks, the team of knowledgeable lawyers at Legal Door can finish the trade licence registration process. All you need to do is contact our experts and turn in all necessary paperwork. Contact us if you have any problems or questions about renewing or registering your trade licence online. All of your questions will be answered by our team of professionals, who will also smoothly start the procedure.

Documents Required for Private Limited Companies

  •  Memorandum of Association (MoA)
  • Article of Association (AoA)
  • Certification of trade license
  • Income tax returns
  • NOC from fire department
  • Receipts for rent deposit
  • Rent agreement
  • Lease deed
  • Property tax bills
  • Trade license
  • RBI permission
  • IRDA permission
  • Pollution NOC
  • Food NOC
  • Drug NOC

Documents Required For Proprietorship Companies

  •  Rent receipt
  • Previous trade license
  • Rental agreement
  • Proprietorship document
  • Company incorporation certificate
  • Trust agreement document
  • Income tax returns
  • Property tax documents

Documents Required for Partnership Companies

  •  Partnership deed online
  • Income tax return
  • Property tax receipt
  • Rental agreement
  • Previous trade license
  • Lease deed


To ensure that no one is indulging in any unethical business methods, the government has made it essential to conduct any certain business or transaction in a specific area.

Yes, you may not require any type of licences if the business is operated on your private property. However, if the property is rented or leased, the landowner’s planning permission is required.

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