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PSARA License

PSARA License

PSARA License in Gaur City

All areas of the operations relating to the private security agency business in India are governed under the Private Security Agencies Regulation Act (PSARA), 2005. According to the PSARA Act, a person must obtain a psara licence in India before starting a security agency firm. Additionally, approval must be requested from the Controlling Authority in order to provide service outside of India, and this authority must first approach the Central Government before granting such permission.

Why Legal Door ? Required documents

Within a short period of time, our legal specialists gather the necessary documents and examine them for any problems.

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Simple registration and a smooth procedure

Entirely online

  • PAN
  • Provident Fund Registration
  • ESIC (Employees State Insurance Corporation) Registration
  • Registration under Shops and Commercial Establishments Act
  • Registration under the Labour Act
  • Proof of identity of the directors and the employees
  • Copies of the Income Tax Returns of the Directors
  • Two passport size photographs of the promoters along with their PANs
  • Proof of address of the Agency Office
  • Affidavit as under Section 7 (2) of PSARA, 2005
  • Security training affidavit
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the training institute


5,000 for a single district within a state

10,000 for a state’s 2–5 districts

It costs 25,000 for more than 5 districts.

25,000 for the entire state

Private security firms are required to professionally train its workforce of employees under the Private Security Agencies Regulation Act of 2005 (PSARA).

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