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Close Pvt. Ltd.

Close Pvt. Ltd.

Close Pvt. Ltd.

Closing a Private Limited Company is known as Strike off or company closure. The Companies Act of 2013 governs it, and the Companies Rules of 2016 are used to carry it out. In order to avoid being in default and paying late fees, among other things, a private limited company closure is filed if the business is not operating and is not abiding by the law.

Required documents How we process
  1. Incorporation documents – MOA, AOA, Certificate of Incorporation, PAN card and other registration certificates.
  2. Latest Financial statement of the company prepared prior to 30 days of filing of the application.
  3. Special resolution or consent of 75% members.
  4. Details of activity of the company.
  5. Legal liabilities – statement regarding pending litigations.
  6. NOC from creditors.
  7. NOC from Regulatory Bodies i.e. income tax department, SEBI, RBI, etc. if relevant.
  8. Optional document (if applicable) – bank account closure certificates, PAN card copy of the company.
  1. For mandatory winding up:

    1. Filing of petition by the company of any contributors or ROC or trade creditors or central or state government.
    2. Auditing of documents supplemented by the petition.
    3. Advertisement of petition in newspaper for at least 14 days.
    4. Filing of form 11.
    5. Notice by ROC.

    For voluntary winding up:

    1. Board Resolution.
    2. Special resolution by 3/4th of the total shareholders.
    3. Approval of trade creditors.
    4. Declaration of solvency accepted by the trade creditors.
    5. Filing of respective form.

    For defunct company winding up:

    1. Filing STK-2 form with ROC and signed by the director of the company.

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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