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ISO 9001 Certification

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ISO-9001 Certification

ISO-9001 Certification

ISO 9001 is by far the most popular and frequently requested ISO standard, and it provides a solid foundation for the requirements of other standards under the new ISO standards update format. ISO 9001 focuses on quality through the development of an effective Quality Management System (hereafter referred to as QM) that emphasizes excellent internal and customer communication and has recordable processes that can deliver a quality product or service. This applies to businesses of any scale, in any industry, and to all business operations, from product (or service) development to final delivery.

Benefits of ISO-9001 Certification : 

Internationally recognised standard
Improve your business through improved working practices
Demonstrate that you listen to your customers
Better documentation
Strong leadership
Involving and motivating employees
Continuous improvement
Documents Required? Process

1. The copy of the PAN card
2. A Passport Sized photograph
3. A copy of the Voter Identity Card (that would be your address proof)
4. Two copies of the sales or purchase bill that is done by your company.

The Certification Process for ISO 9001 will include
1. Assessment
2. Build and use management system
3. Verification that processes are followed
4. Document and analyse non-conformance
5. Completion to customers satisfaction


ISO 9001 is a Quality Management System that ensures a consistent level of quality to its customers. This is done by defining and reviewing the process and procedure. This can be applied to any business model. 8 main points covered under this are:
Customer focus
Involvement of people
Process approach
Systematic approach management
Continual improvement
Factual approach to decision making
Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

It is a seal of approval from a third part body and it is an indication that shows your company’s credibility and also instills confidence in your clients.

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