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Dematerialization of Shares

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Dematerialization refers to the process of converting physical share certificates of a company to an electronic form. These dematerialized shares are held by the company in an online demat account that is opened with a depository.  It is mandatory for selling or transferring shares to another account.

Required documents How we process Eligibility Criteria for Dematerialization of Shares in India
  1. Certificate of incorporation
  2. Director IDs
  3. Physical copies of the shares
  4. Memorandum of Association
  1. Select a depository participant.
  2. Fill an account opening form.
  3. Submit documents for verification.
  4. Sign a standardized agreement with the DP.
  5. Verification of documents.
  6. Demat account number and ID are generated.
  1. It is not appropriate to contest the share allocation.
  2. Application must be submitted by the deadline.

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