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ISI Certification

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ISI Certification

ISI Certification

The most well-known product quality certification mark used by BIS is the ISI Certification. The delivery of safe and high-quality goods to customers is guaranteed by ISI Certification. The products’ adherence to Indian Standards is ensured by the ISI Mark. Obtaining an ISI Mark is a voluntary process. The Certificate attests to the safety of using electrical equipment or appliances.

Any manufacturer or importer who wants to register their product with the BIS ISI Programme must adhere to pre-established departmental procedures, which include product testing, application filing, inspection, and application scrutiny.

Objectives of ISI Certification

  •  It improves client happiness and brand reputation for the company;
  • Minimising resource wastage and, as a result, production costs;
  • Ensuring the consumer receives high-quality products;
  • Improve the business’s growth chances;
  • Provide guarantees on the products’ safety and quality;
  • Reduce product rejections.

Benefits of SA8000 Certification :

Benefits to the Market: This Certificate will give consumers a significant advantage over uncertified items, such as the ability to produce goods continuously and without interruption. Moreover, ISI Certification shows that your items were made in accordance with appropriate standards, confirming their safety.
Access to Market: A certified product has a large market since it demonstrates superior quality, compliance with safety regulations, and protection of customers. A product with this designation would be more reliable, giving you greater market access.
Competitive Advantage: Because customers always favour certified products, ISI certification gives the manufacturer a competitive edge by demonstrating the product's standard quality.
Required documents List of Products under ISI Certification Why Legal Door
  • Proof of the manufacturing facility's address;
  • Proof of the manufacturing facility's address;
  • Verified copy of the test data from a laboratory with BSI certification;
  • Information of the testing equipment;
  • Copy of the certificate of trademark registration;
  • Details on the packaging, such as the size, quantity, and storage location of the goods;
  • Layout for the factory;
  • Regulatory Authority certificate copy;
  • Photocopy of the business's bank statement;
  • Process flow diagram for manufacturing;
  • Proof of Indian residency;
  • Information on the raw material being used;
  • The most recent utility bills, including those for electricity, gas, and water bills;
  • Picture of a product or component.
  1. Cement
  2. Household Electrical goods
  3. Batteries
  4. Oil Pressure Stoves
  5. Automobile Accessories
  6. Cylinder, Valves and Regulator
  7. Medical Equipment
  8. Steel and Iron Products
  9. Electrical Transformers
  10. Electrical Motors
  11. Capacitors
  12. Chemicals, Fertilisers, Polymers & Textiles
  13. Kitchen Appliances
  14. Domestic Water Heaters for use with LPG
  15. Air Conditioner
  16. Plugs and Socket
  17. Prepayment Meters for Active Energy
  18. Domestic Gas Stoves for use with LPG
  19. Transparent Float Glass
  20. Domestic Pressure Cooker
  21. Cables
  22. Rubber Hose for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
  23. Aluminium Foil
  24. Non-Electric Toys
  25. Electric Toys
  26. Flat Transparent Sheet Glass
  27. Safety Glass
  28. Woven Sacks
  29. Butterfly Valves
  30. Reflectors for Bicycles
  31. Paper
  32. Cattle Feeds
  33. Automobile Wheel Rim Component
  34. Foot Wear
  35. Press Tool-Punches
  36. Helmets for riders of Two-Wheeler Motor Vehicles
  37. Refrigerating Appliances
  38. Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes
  39. Flux Cored (Tubular) Electrodes
  40. Sewing Machine
  41. Water Treatment System
  42. Jute BaG

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ISI Certification is a quality and safety seal given by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) to goods that satisfy the requirements and adhere to the BIS’s specs.

A broad variety of products, including electrical appliances, food items, chemicals, cement, steel, and many more, are eligible for ISI Certification.

Any importer or producer may submit an application for ISI Certification of their goods. But they have to make sure that the standards and requirements are met by their goods.

ISI Certification offers a number of advantages, including increased marketability and sales, compliance to legal requirements, and customer trust in the product.

The manufacturer or importer must submit an application to the BIS for ISI Certification and go through the required tests and examinations. The BIS will give the ISI Certification if the product complies with the necessary standards and requirements.

After two years from the date of issuance, ISI Certification must be updated.

The price to receive ISI Certification varies depending on the product and the quantity of tests and examinations needed. The BIS sets the fees, which can change depending on the commodity.

ISI Certification is a mark of quality and safety issued by the BIS, while ISO Certification is a mark of quality issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). While ISO Certification is acknowledged throughout the world, ISI Certification is unique to goods made in or imported into India.

ISI Certification is required for some goods to be sold in the Indian market, including electrical appliances. For some goods, though, it might be mandatory in order to satisfy legal requirements or win over customers.

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