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Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Legal Notice

A legal notice is similar to bulletin board notice wherein the information is being conveyed by sender to recipient about his intention of undertaking legal proceeding against the latter. It can be filed under Section 80 of the code of civil procedure,1908 (CrPC). A legal notice is usually issued for civil matters. A legal notice can be issued for property disputes, consumer complaints, cheque bouncing cases, divorce, eviction etc. Legal notice can act as a mediator between the plaintiff and the defendant to come to a compromise.

Elements of Legal Notice :-

Intimate facts (name, address, etc).
Leading legal arguments which led the petitioner to take action.
Plausible methods to solve the problem.
Relief sought by the grieving party.
Why Legal Door ?

 We at Legal Door will always keep your interests in mind and draft your notice as required.

We also allow up to two rounds of iterations with no extra cost. Our attorneys will make any necessary modifications to a legal notice on your behalf.

We will provide you with the greatest experience possible with the aid of Legal Door since we use knowledgeable, seasoned specialists who will walk you through every step of the process.

We will always be available to support you with client-centered, dependable, and moral service standards.


No, a legal notice cannot be filed in criminal cases as in criminal offences the action is instituted by the state against the person committing the offence.

No, serving a legal notice helps to resolve the issue without going for litigation which may prove expensive as well as time consuming process.

Yes, a legal notice can be sent be through online mode via mail or through social messaging apps (whatsapp, telegram).

No, it is not necessary to respond to a legal notice but still it is advisable to send an appropriate reply to the legal notice.

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)