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Land Record, Khata No., Plot No. (Khasra No.), Challan No. (Jamabandi No.), And the Necessary Documents Required for Verification.

Introduction: Land is a valuable asset and plays a crucial role in the economy of any country. Owning land gives an individual or an entity the right to use, develop and profit from it. However, before purchasing land, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the land record, Khata No, Plot No (Khasra […]
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What is DIN ? Eligibility to become Director in any company, How many types of directors exist in any company? Who can be an Independent Director.

INTRODUCTION Director Identification Number (DIN) is a unique 8-digit identification number issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) to individuals who wish to become directors in a company. The DIN is mandatory for anyone who wants to be appointed as a director in any company registered in India. It serves as a permanent identification […]
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What is the agreement? What is a contract? Classification, specifications, and types of agreement and contract. Difference between agreement and contract.

Introduction  In the context of Indian law, agreement refers to a legally enforceable understanding between two or more parties regarding their respective rights and obligations. An agreement can be verbal or written, but it is always essential to have a clear understanding of the terms and conditions of the agreement. What is an Agreement?  In […]
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Property Registration In India

The registration of property in India is governed by the Registration Act, 1908. It is mandatory to register any immovable property in India to establish the ownership of the property and to ensure legal protection of the same. The registration process involves the following steps: Document Preparation: The first step in the registration process is […]
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Accounting and Bookkeeping: Overview

Introduction Keeping complete records of financial transactions is essential for success in the current business world. Accounting and bookkeeping are essential tasks in India that support businesses in maintaining financial stability and making sound judgements. This blog post will examine accounting and bookkeeping in India in further detail, explaining what they are and their significance. […]
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Introduction  The Indian Republic’s annual budget is known as the Union Budget. Every year, it is usually represented in February by the Union Finance Minister. The final full-fledged budget of the present government before the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, which are scheduled for 2024, was delivered by Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on February 1st, […]
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Marriage Registration, Eligibility Criteria, Documents Required, Duration, Procedure and Jurisdiction, Benefits Of Marriage Certificate

What is Marriage Registration ?  An official document that certifies a couple is married is a marriage registration certificate. Marriages can be registered in India either the Special Marriage Act of 1954 or the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955. A marriage registration certificate is an official declaration that a couple is married for both forms […]
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What is MSMEs, Eligibility and Classification, Registration, Features, Role of MSMEs in Indian Economy

  What is MSMEs?  Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME’s) are entities that are involved in production, manufacturing, and processing of goods and commodities. Micro, small, and medium-sized businesses are known as MSMEs. Manufacturing and service enterprises are two categories of MSMEs that are engaged in the production, processing, and manufacturing of goods and services. […]
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What is Startup India ? Benefits Under Startup India, Eligibility, Characteristics, Registration Process.

What is Startup India  Startup India is the initiative of the Government of India through which the government wants to develop a strong eco-system for nurturing innovation and startups in the country which will lead to sustainable economic growth and increasing employment opportunities. The aim of the government is to grow through innovation and design. […]
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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