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Trademark Renewal

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Trademark Renewal

Trademark Renewal

A trademark registration in India expires after ten years. However, it can be made permanent by submitting a trademark renewal application online or offline and by paying the required renewal fees every decade. This application must be submitted within six months of the registration’s expiration date. Trademark Renewal in India can assist you in keeping your trademark perpetual and permanent, as there are no limitations on the number of times or number of years you can maintain your trademark’s active and registered status.

Benefits of Trademark Renewal: 

Protection from Frivolous Litigation
Extension of Ownership Rights
Brand Name Security
Monetary Returns
Documents Required? What we do?

1. Proof of Applicant
2. TM Certificate
3. Power of Attorney
4. Copy of TM-A

Day 1 - Collection

  • Discussion and collection of basic Information
  • Provide required documents for trademark renewal services
    Day 2-3 - Execution
  • Drafting of Documents by Professionals
    Day 4 - Submission
  • Filing of online TM renewal application
  • Sharing the acknowledgement


Under trademark registration, which is a form of intellectual property protection, a word or visual symbol used by a business to distinguish its goods or services from those of similar goods or services originating from another business is protected. This advantage will persist if the trademark is renewed

In terms of documentation, procedure, required time, and fees, the registration and renewal processes for a trademark are vastly dissimilar. The trademark is renewed within six months of the ten-year mark expiring. It is straightforward and uncomplicated to use.

Trade Mark objections can be filed per client request in order to expedite the registration of a trade mark by filing a response to the objection raised by the trade mark officer; if the examiner is satisfied with this response, the application is then ordered for publication in the trade mark Journals.

Form TM-12 must be filed within six months before or after the expiration date of the trademark, along with the renewal fee.

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