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Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC)

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Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC)

Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC)

In India, the Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC) serves as the technical arm of the Department of Telecommunications (DOT). It is responsible for establishing the technical specifications and standards for India’s telecommunications apparatus. If you wish to obtain a TEC certificate or licence in India, the following is the required procedure and documentation:


  • Determine the equipment category: The first stage is to determine the equipment category for which you wish to obtain a TEC certificate. The categories include, among others, wireless, conventional, and satellite communication equipment.
  • Application Submission: You must submit an application for TEC certification along with the required documents via the TEC website.
  • Once the application is accepted, the apparatus is tested at an authorised TEC laboratory. A variety of tests are conducted to assure conformity with TEC standards and specifications.
  • The TEC evaluates the test results and determines whether or not to issue a certificate or licence.
  • The TEC issues a certificate or licence if the equipment fulfils its standards and specifications. The certificate or licence has a five-year validity period.
Required documents
  • Form for applying
  • A copy of the company's Articles of Association (AOA) and Memorandum of Association (MOA).
  • A copy of the company's PAN card.
  • A copy of the company's GST registration certificate.
  • A copy of the company's import-export code.
  • Technical data sheet of the to-be-certified apparatus.
  • Report from a TEC-approved laboratory.
  • A statement of compliance with the TEC standards and specifications.
  • Authorization letter for the company's authorised signatory.
  • It is essential to note that the required documentation may vary based on the type of equipment and other factors. To ensure that all required documents are submitted, it is recommended to consult with the TEC or a consultant specialising in TEC certification.


The Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC) is a nodal agency of the Government of India’s Department of Telecommunications that provides technical support and advisory services for telecom-related matters. Additionally, TEC issues certifications or licences for telecom equipment that conforms to the specified standards and specifications.

You can obtain TEC certification or licencing for a vast array of telecom equipment, including telephone instruments, modems, routers, and switches, among others.

Any manufacturer or importer of telecom equipment may submit an application for TEC certification or a licence.

TEC certification or licencing provides numerous benefits, including compliance with government regulations, increased marketability, and consumer confidence in the quality and safety of the product

The manufacturer or importer must submit an application for TEC certification or a licence and pass all required tests and examinations. If the product fulfils the necessary specifications and standards, TEC will issue a certificate or licence.

The following documents are necessary for TEC certification or licencing:

Form for application

Detailed product information, including technical specifications and a user guide

Test results from TEC-accredited laboratories and testing organisations

Evidence of ownership or permission to use the design and technology of the product

Compliance assurance with TEC’s regulations and standards

TEC certifications and licences are valid for five years from the date of issuance.

The cost of obtaining TEC certification or a licence is contingent upon the product and the number of required tests and examinations. TEC establishes the fees, which can differ from product to product.

Certain telecom apparatus, such as telephone instruments, must be TEC-certified or licenced in order to be sold or used on the Indian market. For other equipment, however, certification may be required to comply with government regulations or to obtain consumer confidence.

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