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Artistic work/ Painting Copyright

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Artistic work / Painting Copyright

Artistic work / Painting Copyright

Works of art include paintings, drawings, etchings, and craftsmanship. It even incorporates architecture and photographs to some extent. Art, like most other copyright-protected entities, must be an original work to be protected by the copyright act. The artwork is protected for eternity. The Berne Convention stipulates that two generations of artists should benefit from the predecessor’s copyright. Once the author of a work of art has passed away, the copyright expires after a period of time that differs by country. Unless contractually obligated for an employer, typically newspapers, magazines, or studios, the artist is the first owner of the art he creates.

Under the Copyright Act, the author obtains the following privileges:

  • Only he has permission to reproduce the work in any way he chooses.
  • If the work has not yet been published, he is the only person with the authority to do so.
  • Allow the use of the artwork in cinema or films.
  • Creating an additional adaptation of the work.

There are few exceptions to the general norm. For instance, art displayed incidentally in a film is exempt from the act. When art is affixed to a specific location and that location is captured in a film or television programmer, the artist cannot assert copyright infringement. In a few nations, the Copyright Act prohibits auction houses from using art reproductions for advertising purposes. Before proceeding, the auction house must obtain permission from the art’s proprietor. However, this provision is prevalent in only a few nations.

Documents Required?

1. NOC/Decrelation of the Artist
2. NOC of the Publisher

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