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Best Criminal Lawyer in Gaur City, Noida

From filing a criminal complaint in the form of a FIR at the police station through the different stages that follow, such as the investigation, bail, charge, trial, appeal, and revision, we offer comprehensive and all-inclusive legal services under criminal law. From the Metropolitan Magistrate Court to the Supreme Court of India, we practice law.

By securing stay orders from High Courts, bail, anticipatory bail, restraining orders, etc., we offer legal protection to our client against unwarranted police harassment. As defence lawyers, we support our clients at every stage of the trial. One of the top criminal attorneys in Gaur City, Noida, India, is Mr. Deepak Kumar Choudhary, the founding partner of the business.

For our many clients, which include individuals, body corporations, businesses, non-profit organizations, and more, we have been effectively resolving a variety of criminal situations in Gaur City, Noida.

Criminal law is the term used to refer to the area of law that controls a person’s relation with the state. It contains the definitions of crimes, which are often set forth by state or national legislatures in India. The phrase “criminal law” also refers to an accused person’s rights and the criminal procedure, which includes an arrest, release on bond, anticipatory bail, criminal proceedings, pleas, discovery, pretrial hearings, trials, discussions of the charge, evidence, motions, and bail. Defining the penalties for criminal actions is the primary goal of the criminal law. No matter how heinous the offence, the prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused intended to conduct the crime.

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