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Joint Venture Agreement

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Joint Venture Agreement

Joint Venture Agreement

A joint venture is a cooperative agreement in which two or more business entities enter together. They are a partnership in the colloquial sense of the word but can take on any legal structure. The purpose of a joint venture is to begin a new business activity or accomplish a specific task.

Entities in a joint venture may include:

Groups of individuals
Documents Required Why Legal Door ?

Partnership Agreement: Use this document to create a profitable business partnership.

LLC operating agreement: Establish guidelines for a limited liability company's daily operations as well as the duties and rights of the members.

Articles of Incorporation: Submit this form to the authorities in order to formally establish a corporation.

Shareholder agreement: Create a contract with the shareholders outlining the corporation's management and control procedures.

Considering the overwhelming procedures, taking legal help from a renowned firm like Legal Door help a long way in minimizing the paperwork and eliminating tax inefficiencies during the joint venture period.


Some advantages of forming a joint venture include:

  • Gain expertise and insights
  • Shared costs and risks
  • Flexibility
  • Building networks
  • Increased chance of success
  • Better resources
  • To leverage resources
  • Enter foreign markets
  • Shared expertise
  • Saves cost
  • Expansion

A joint venture agreement ends when the project is complete.

  • Gambling
  • Railway contracts
  • Nidhi company business
  • Real estate sectors
  • Manufacturing of tobacco related products
  • Atomic energy

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