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ISO 20000-1 Certification

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ISO-20000-1 Certification

ISO-20000-1 Certification

ISO 20000-1 is for the information technology management system (SMS) standard. It specifies the requirement for the plan service provider,establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and improve an SMS. The requirments include the design, transition, delivery and improvement of services to fulfil agreed service requirements.

There are following uses of ISO 20000-1:-

  • When an organisation seeks services from service provider as well as requires assurance that their requirements will be fulfiled.
  • When an organisation require from its service provider a consistent approach inclusive of supply chain.
  • A service provider that can demonstrate its capacity for the design, tranition, delivery and improvement of services that fulfil service requirements.
  • A service provider who monitor, measure and review its service management process.
  • The effective implementation and operation of the SMS improves services of service provider who improve the design, transition and delivery.
  • For the conformity assessment of a service provider’s SMS to the requirements in ISO 20000-1.
Benefits of ISO 20000-1 Certification : 
It is beneficial for the alignment of information technology services and various strategies of business.
Formation of a formal working for the improvement of current services projects.
It compares with the best practices
It promotes the consistency and effective cost services.
It creates a progressive ethos and culture
It provides the interchanging of service
Reduction of risk
The aids major organizational changes through the creation of a standard consistent approach
Increase the reputaion and develop perception.
It focuses on pro-active rather than re-active processes.
The relationship between different departments gets improves and the responsibility and goals gets more clear.
Generate a situable framework for both resouce training and management automation services.

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