ISO-14001 Certification
ISO-14001 Certification
We are all becoming more “environmentally conscious” of what we do and how we do it, and so are our customers. In fact, more and more users of our products and services are questioning not only what we do but also how we do it, and in some parts of the world, suppliers cannot even get on a tender list unless they can demonstrate their “environmentally friendly” approach. Obviously, this has cost-saving benefits due to energy conservation, recycling, etc. Due to the fact that some of the documentation required for this standard is identical to that required for ISO 9001, there is no need for duplication if both standards are implemented simultaneously. Certification to ISO 14001 seeks to reduce a company’s waste and pollution production, as well as its environmental footprint.
Benefits of ISO-14001 Certification :
The Certification Process for ISO 14001 will include
1. Assessment
2. Build and use management system
3. Verify processes are followed
4. Document and analyse non-conformance
5. Audit
ISO established an environmental management system that can be incorporated into any organization. This standard focuses primarily on cost reduction, resource reuse, and recycling (if not practicable). This would make the company more effective and environmentally friendly.
Even though it is impossible to be completely eco-friendly, it encourages the business to either reduce the amount of natural materials used or maintain the current level. In layman’s terms, it establishes standards to be met without interfering with normal business operations.
It is a seal of approval from a third part body and it is an indication that shows your company’s credibility and also instills confidence in your clients.