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Producer Company Registration

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Producers Company Registration

A Producer Company is created when 10 or more people or two or more institutions engage in post-harvest processing or agricultural produce sales. Consequently, a producer company is an officially recognised group of farmers and agriculturalists that seek to raise their incomes, profitability, and standard of living.

A Producer Company is a business registered under the Companies Act of 2013 with the purpose of producing, harvesting, procuring, grading, pooling, handling, marketing, and selling goods and services for the benefit of its members. It may also export its members’ principal products.

Advantages to Producers Company Registration

A producer company enjoys a separate legal entity and offers the facilities of limited liability and perpetuity.
Producer companies offer greater credibility as compared to that offered by unregistered organizations of agriculturists/farmers.
Changes in the Board of Management of a producer company can swiftly be made just through filing a few simple forms with the ROC concerned.
Only a duly registered producer company is entitled to sell or own a property in its name.
A registered producer company is fully entitled to accept deposits from or give loans to its agriculturist members, at reasonable rates of interest.
Required documents How we process

1 Identity proof of Directors (PAN Card)

2 Address proof of Directors ( Aadhar Card, Passport, Driving Licence, Voter ID)

3 Proof of Registered office ( Electricity Bill with rent agreement and NOC from the owner)

4 Bank details of Directors.

5 Passport size photograph of Directors

Step 1: Receiving Documents & Apply, DIN & DSC 1-4 Days

Step 2 : Drafting MOA and AOA electronically in Spice MOA (INC-33) and Spice AOA (INC-34) 5-8 Days.

Step 3 : Submission of Spice Form INC-32 along with link Form Spice MOA (INC-33) and Spice AOA (INC-34)
9 to 14 Days.

Step 4 : Certificate Of Incorporation, PAN & TAN 15 to 20 Days


Every company’s name consists of two parts. The first part is unique. ‘WIPRO’ or ‘MERCEDES-BENZ,’ for instance. The company’s business operations are described in the second section. Consider “Legal Solutions” or “Technologies,” for instance. This second section has to be as detailed as possible. The word “Producer Company Limited” must appear at the ending of the company name.

The full process should be completed in 35 to 40 days. However, whether you have all of your papers in order and the RoC’s workload will determine this.

Most crucially, every director needs to be able to prove their name, residence, and right to work on the property they are managing. In order for the corporation to conduct business from the registered office, the owner must additionally provide a NoC.

Register your Business in India

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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