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Legal Heir Certificate

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Legal Heir Certificate

Legal Heir Certificate

A legal heir certificate identifies the rightful successor who then can claim the assets/properties of the deceased person. This certificate is used for many purposes such as insurance, gratuity, PF retirement claims, pension etc.

Uses of legal heir certificate-

Claiming insurance
Gain salary of deceased
Gaining employment
Receiving dues such as gratuity fund, provident fund etc. from government.
Documents Required Why Legal Door ?
  • An affidavit that has been drafted and notarized is a self-undertaking.
  • Documentary Identification Proof
  • Support of the Heir's Residence in Documents
  • Proof of birth date.
  • Death certificate for the person who died
  • Proof of the deceased's residence in writing.

We connect you with reputable professionals and work together with them to meet all of your legal requirements. Additionally, you may constantly monitor the development on our web platform.

We guarantee a smooth interaction with the government by taking care of all the paperwork. To help you set reasonable expectations, we provide clarity on the incorporation process.


Around 15 days to 30 days are required for the issuance of the legal heir certificate.

The parents, spouse and children are the immediate legal heirs of the deceased person.

Yes. Married and unmarried daughters are also legal heirs and have the same rights as that of the son since 2005 after the amendment of the Hindu Succession Act. Thus, married daughters are legal heirs of the deceased person.

Yes, one can apply for a legal heir certificate online. 

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