Legal DoorLegal DoorLegal Door
Legal DoorLegal DoorLegal Door

About us

About US

Legal Door is India’s one of the largest Legal and Business services platform fully dedicated to micro, small and medium size entrepreneur. . Our services include Company Registration, Legal Compliances and Legal documentation, IPR Services, ISO Services, Aviation and Aerospace Services etc.  We have partners of experienced Lawyers, Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary, Cost and Management Accountant, Financial Planner, Economist, Management and other professional expert who is continuously advice micro, small and medium entrepreneur to achieve his business goal.

Our firm utilizing latest and modern technology to deliver the quality of Legal, Business, Financial, IPR, ISO and Aviation services across India. We value more importance of technology to achieving our vision and mission of delivering affordable business services. That is why we regularly experiment and upgrade our process to improve our quality of services for customer satisfaction.

Customer is our biggest assets. Our growth is funded loyal base of thousands of customer who continuously believe on us. Once we bound on mutual agreed task we fulfill our assignment with best output for customer satisfaction. We always deliver the highest level of quality services and fulfill our assurance, commitment and trust.

About us

Consulting is a law firm specialising in corporate finance work

Advice on comprehensive legal solutions and legal planning on all aspects of business, including: issues under Company Law & Exchange Control Regulations.







We deals with many services to take extra care of your problem solutions.

Business services is a general term that describes work that supports a business but does not produce a tangible commodity. Information technology is important.

Tax Consultancy

This is one of many areas of professional services where our firm is well ahead of the competition.

Audit & assurance

People are only as good as the tools they possess. So, to consistently deliver high-quality auditing services.

Value Added Tax

We are providing and dealing with all sorts of legal and professional services and matters to operate.

Accounting Services

Our professionals provide a range of accounting and assurance services of the highest standards.

Tax Outsourcing

Unlike our competitors we have in house qualified lawyers and accountants who can help you.

Amazing Strategy

Operates an atmosphere that promote creative approach for clients needs.

Our Statistics

1 +
Team members
1 +
Company Registered
1 +
International Project
1 +
Winning Awards
1 +
Client’s Feedback
1 +
Completed Works


Get in touch for any kind of help and informations

We’re glad to discuss your organisation’s situation. So please contact us via the details below, or enter your request.

Our head office address:

Office No-4 Upper, LGF, Galaxy Plaza, Gaur City 1, Near Gaur City Center, Greater Noida West, U.P.-201318

Call for help:


Mail us for information

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)