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GST Filing

GST Filing

GST Filing

  • Registration mandatory for business with minimum turnover Rs. 40 lakh for goods and Rs 20 lakh for services.
  • GSTR-1 by all taxpayers for reporting details of outward supply monthly/quarterly.
  • GSTR-3B by all tax payers for statement of tax paid after taking input credit monthly/quarterly.
  • GSTR-4 by composition dealer for annual return filed by composition dealer annually.
  • GSTR-9 for annual return.
  • Maintaining GST permitted books of accounts and records.
  • Auditing of GST specific accounts
Why Legal Door ? Eligibility Criteria for GST Return Filing in India procedure for filing a GST return
  • Information gathering and beginning of the process.
  • Producing the initial compliance drafting.
  • Examining the document and making any required modifications.
  • Giving you the receipt for confirmation.
  • You are a person who is registered under the pre-GST law.
  • Your company's yearly revenue exceeds INR 40 lakh.
  • You work as a distributor of input services and a supplier's representative.
  • You are a business aggregator for e-commerce websites.
  • You are a person who works in the database access and online information supply industry for a location outside of India.
  • By the 10th of the next month, submit Form GSTR-1 for Monthly Details of Inward Supplies.
  • by the 15th of the next month, submit Form GSTR-2 for Monthly Details of Outward Supplies.
  • Form GSTR-3 for Monthly Filing of Return to be submitted on the twentieth day of the following month
  • submitting Form GSTR-8 for annual return filing by December 31 of the next fiscal year

Register your Business in India

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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