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Termination Letter

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Termination Letter

Termination Letter

A termination letter is a legal document which is issued by an employer to an employee containing pertinent details about the termination. Termination letters are also called a pink slip, letter of termination, contract termination letter, letter of separation, and notice of termination of employment.

Reasons for letter of termination-

Termination date
Reasons for termination
List of verbal and written warnings
List of items to be handed in before leaving (company laptop, keys, etc.)
Receipt of company property
Details about the final pay check.


Termination letters are important because they can help maintain a good reputation for a company, show professionalism and also provide a record of events for legal reasons.

The major purpose of termination letters are to help employers maintain track of termination decisions and to give employees the information they require to begin the transition to the next phase of their careers.

The grounds for termination may include, among others, gross misconduct, downsizing, layoffs, unsatisfactory performance, and business closures.

Yes, termination letter can be sent online through email.

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