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Close Public Ltd.

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Close Public Ltd.

Close Public Ltd.

A public limited company may be closed either by the shareholders or compulsorily by the judiciary. The company closure can be filed after paying all the liabilities with consent of 75% of the members and then preparing an application for closure. It is done under the Companies Rules, 2016 governed by the Companies Act, 2013.

Required documents How we process
  1. Application for striking off the public company.
  2. Board Resolution approving the closure.
  3. Consent of directors.
  4. Director’s affidavit.
  5. Indemnity bond.
  6. Statement of assets and liabilities.
  7. Form FTE (in case the FTE scheme is being applied under).

Board resolution.

    1. Drafting of necessary resolutions.
    2. Drafting of affidavit, indemnity bond and other documents.
    3. Provide duly executed affidavit 7 indemnity bond.
    4. Provide signed documents after review.
    5. Preparation of application for online filing.
    6. Filing of form STK-2 and documents with MCA.
    7. Application for striking-off company name.
    8. Notice by ROC.

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