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Trust Registration (NGO)

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Starts Trust Registration (NGO)

Trust Registration (NGO)

The easiest way to launch a non-governmental organization, or NGO, is through Public Trust. In addition to the more broad goal of advancing the arts, sciences, and literature, a trust works toward the objectives of alleviating poverty, granting education to the disadvantaged, and providing medical help. It should be highlighted that since trusts are irreversible, they cannot be changed or terminated without the court’s approval. With a few supporting documents, such as a deed of trust and rental agreement, Legal Door assists in supplying you with the trust registration certificate.

The public trust is not specifically governed by any legislation in India; nevertheless, several states, such Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, have their own public trust Acts.

Advantages  of Trust registration:

The reason behind creating any trust is to indulge in charitable activities and at the same time avail the benefit of tax exemption. These charitable trusts are also called non-profit organization.
A trust has to be a legal entity if it wants to avail all the benefits of the trust offered by the government. Trust Act and Federal laws makes it mandatory for such entities to get registered under Charitable Trust.
Trust Deed is necessary to register a charitable trust. Hence, charitable registration is also called trust deed.
This procedure hugely helps those donors who want to lend their assets to the trusts, making them trustees fully expecting receiving tax benefits.
Required documents How we process

1. The details of the trustee:
a. Name
b. Occupation
c. Address
d. Age
e. Designation
f. Contact Information
g. Photographs
2. Address proof of the trustee:
a. Voter ID
b. Driving License
c. Passport
3. Electricity Bill or a House tax receipt in order to show that you are the in fact the owner of the property.
4. NOC from the landlord in case the property is rented.
5. Two witnesses are required at the time of registration.
6. The settler should also be present at the time of registration.

1. Selection Of Name : Select a unique name for your trust, the name should be new and must not lead to any infringement.

2. Drafting Of Deed : The trust deed should be drafted wherein the gatherings to the deed will be settlor (creator of the trust deed), the trustee and the recipient.

3. Trust Registration : A trust deed is a document which contains all the crucial information related to registration and must present it before the registrar of the trusts having jurisdiction.

4. PAN, TAN And Bank Account : The final step in the process of registration is to apply for allocation of PAN number and TAN and afterwards apply for a bank account.


Registration of a Trust is necessary from two edges:

It is legitimately not important to have a composed trust deed for the beneficent trust/strict trusts, social orders and organizations. From the practical perspective, however, it is constantly fitting for charitable trusts to have a legitimate enlisted trust deed.

What are the documents required during trust registration process?
1. The details of the trustee:
a. Name
b. Occupation
c. Address
d. Age
e. Designation
f. Contact Information
g. Photographs
2. Address proof of the trustee:
a. Voter ID
b. Driving License
c. Passport
3. Electricity Bill or a House tax receipt in order to show that you are the in fact the owner of the property.
4. NOC from the landlord in case the property is rented.
5. Two witnesses are required at the time of registration.
6. The settler should also be present at the time of registration.



Public Trust

Public trust is created to provide benefit to the public at large, thus beneficiaries in the case of public trust is general public at large. Public Trust is further subdivided into two parts:

1. Public Charitable Trust
2. Public Religious Trust

Private Trust

Often families or individuals are beneficiaries in the case of private trust. Private trust is further subdivided into two parts:

1. Private Trusts whose recipients and their imperative offers both can be resolved
2. Private Trusts whose both or either the recipients and their imperative offers can’t be resolved

The process of trust registration takes about 6 to 7 days.

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