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Change Company Name

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Change Company Name

Change Company Name

The name of the company is changed for various reasons such as objective of the business, change of management, conversion of private limited to public limited & vice-versa, rectification of the name, etc. The name of the company can be changed at any time after its incorporation with the approval of the shareholders. Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association are needed to be altered for changing company’s name.

Required documents Why Legal Door
  • Resolution of the Board to amend the Company's MOA's Name Clause
  • Resolution of the Board about the Company's EGM notice.
  • Announcement of the EGM with an explanation.
  • Special Resolution to amend the MOA's name clause.
  • Modified MOA and AOA.
  • The meeting of the members' minutes (EGM).
  • Information gathering and beginning of the process.
  • Producing the initial compliance drafting.
  • Examining the document and making any required modifications.
  • Giving you the receipt for confirmation.

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