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FSSAI License

FSSAI License

FSSAI License

All food business operators (FBO) in India can obtain a food licence from the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), a legal body. For the purpose of ensuring food quality, all FBOs are required to abide by all FSSAI rules and regulations.

The amount of production, the management nature of food business activities, and the scope of operation are all factors that determine whether an FBO needs an FSSAI License or Registration. The FBO will receive a 14-digit number during the FSSAI Registration process, which must be printed on food packaging.

FSSAI Registration ensures the security of food products and it is essentially a food safety certificate circulated by the food authority in India. All the manufacturers, traders, restaurants, grocery shops, importers and exporters, etc are eligible for issuing FSSAI Licence. FSSAI Licensing assures that food products undergo specific quality checks, thereby decreasing the cases of adulteration, substandard products.
LegalDoor provides FSSAI online registration and licenses all over India. We can help you to get an FSSAI License which can intensify the quality of your food if you are interested in the food business in Delhi.

Advantages  of FSSAI License:

FBOs must know FSSAI Licence adds on the benefit of a reliable & loyal customer base.
FSSAI Registration is done under the regulatory body FSSAI, legal action being taken for any non- compliance.
FSSAI logo is a mark of validity and an assurance to your consumers that the food is safe to consume.
The goodwill of the Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS) will make business available and effortless to expand.
Required documents Types of FSSAI License

In regard to the FSSAI Registration, following documents are needed:

• Photo Identity of Promoters of the Food Business
• Declaration Form
• Authority Letter
• Proof of possession of premises (Rental Agreement / Utility Bill)
• Partnership Deed / Certificate of Incorporation / Articles of Association / Memoranduof Association
• List of food products manufactures or processed or stored
• Food safety management system plan
• Signed and Completed Form-B

Different FSSAI Licenses

Depending on the type of activity, the size of the firm, and the turnover, businesses engaged in food-related activities must apply for a specific sort of food licence. Following are the several types of FSSAI food licences:

Basic Registration with FSSAI

Food business operators (FBOs) with small or new businesses must register with the FSSAI. Their annual revenue is less than Rs. 12 lakh. Depending on the productivity of your business's sales graph, basic registration can be upgraded.

FSSAI Central licence

For FBOs with big business yearly revenue, which is above Rs. 20 crores, the Central FSSAI License is applicable. Additionally, it is necessary if you want to import or export food items or work for the government.

State FSSAI licence

For FBOs that operate medium-sized businesses, the state FSSAI licence is required. Their annual revenue exceeds Rs. 12 lakhs or reaches Rs. 20 crores. Depending on the sale of your business, the state licence may be upgraded to a central licence.


Food Safety and Standard Authority of India is an authority to provide food license to food business in India. FSSAI license registration procedure is mentioned below:
1. Visit LegalDocs website.
2. Fill the draft mentioned with appropriate details.
3. Submit your documents through Email.
4. The documents will be verified and queries will be resolved within 2 working days.
5. The applicant will get the document in 7 working days.

There are three different types of FSSAI registration, the required time for FSSAI license registration differs.
1. The basic FSSAI license will be delivered in 7 working days.
2. State license and Central license will be provided in 30 days.

FSSAI license fees differ as per the type of FSSAI license.
1. Basic FSSAI registration – Rs 1799/-
2. State FSSAI license – Rs 15000/-
3. Central FSSAI license – Rs 20000/-

LegalDoor will help you to get a new license as well as license renewal. You just need to provide your old license to us. It can be done prior to 30 days of expiring of the current license.

FSSAI has to do the following things:
(i) laying down science based standards for articles of food
(ii) to regulate manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import of food
(iii) to facilitate food safety.

Register your Business in India

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