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Apostille (MEA/HRD)

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Apostille is a proof of the authenticity and credibility of the document. It involves legalization of the documents in a given format that is acceptable in all nations that belong to Hague Convention. A sticker from MEA is stuck on the back of the document, and again a stamp is rendered on the sticker in a way that it is partially on the sticker and partially on the document.


It is required for obtaining student visa, employment visa, work visa, permanent or temporary residence visa or for importing or exporting goods etc.

In India, apostille sticker is valid for 6 months.

It involves 6 steps:

  • Notary attestation
  • Home department attestation
  • HRD (human resource department) attestation
  • SDM (sub-divisional magistrate) attestation
  • CoC (chamber of commerce) attestation
  • MEA (ministry of external affairs) attestation.

It verifies the signatures of officials on public documents such as birth certificate, court orders etc.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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