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Political Party Registration

Political Party Registration

There are numerous political parties running for office in our nation. The existence of the political party is beneficial for the country. It gives them the option to make a more intelligent and sensible choice. Additionally, it encourages rival political parties to improve in order to triumph in elections and rule the country. Thus, this is the fundamental context of political parties.

But what exactly are political parties? Why are political parties necessary? Let’s investigate.

In essence, a political party is a gathering of people. To maintain control over the government, these people band together and run for office. It is a strategy for encouraging voters to back shared interests, issues, and objectives.

In a broader perspective, a political party is a means via which the people can speak to the government and have a say in the governance of any country. So, every political party must have three key components:
• Leaders
• Active Members
• Followers

Advantages  of society registration:

Promotion of fine arts
Diffusion of political education
Grant of charitable assistance
Promotion of science and literature
Creation of military orphan funds
Maintenance or foundation of galleries or public museum
Maintenance or foundation of reading rooms or libraries
Promotion or diffusion or instruction of useful knowledge
Required documents Why Legal Door

100 Members
Election ID
Compliance With The Act
President-signed and magistrate-sworn affidavit
Details of Assets and Liabilities Present.
Criminal Background Checks.

Application Process for registering political parties.
Communication with the Election Commission regarding the registration process.
End-to-end Supporting.
Eligibility and Documentation for political party registration in India.


Registration of a Trust is necessary from two edges:

It is legitimately not important to have a composed trust deed for the beneficent trust/strict trusts, social orders and organizations. From the practical perspective, however, it is constantly fitting for charitable trusts to have a legitimate enlisted trust deed.

What are the documents required during trust registration process?
1. The details of the trustee:
a. Name
b. Occupation
c. Address
d. Age
e. Designation
f. Contact Information
g. Photographs
2. Address proof of the trustee:
a. Voter ID
b. Driving License
c. Passport
3. Electricity Bill or a House tax receipt in order to show that you are the in fact the owner of the property.
4. NOC from the landlord in case the property is rented.
5. Two witnesses are required at the time of registration.
6. The settler should also be present at the time of registration.



Public Trust

Public trust is created to provide benefit to the public at large, thus beneficiaries in the case of public trust is general public at large. Public Trust is further subdivided into two parts:

1. Public Charitable Trust
2. Public Religious Trust

Private Trust

Often families or individuals are beneficiaries in the case of private trust. Private trust is further subdivided into two parts:

1. Private Trusts whose recipients and their imperative offers both can be resolved
2. Private Trusts whose both or either the recipients and their imperative offers can’t be resolved

The process of trust registration takes about 6 to 7 days.

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