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Change of Directors

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The directors of the company can be changed any time when needed. The directors may be changed voluntarily of through demand. The demand increases in case of death of existing director or when there is a need of an expert in the board. Companies Act, 2013 governs the appointment and resignation of directors. The change of directors has to be stated in the ROC.

Required documents How we process Why Legal Door
  1. Identity and address proof of the director
  2. PAN for Indian nationals
  3. Apostilled or notarized copy of passport for foreign nationals
  4. Residence proof like bank statement or electricity bill must be less than 2 months
  5. Registered office proof like electricity bill or property tax receipt or water bill
  6. Rental agreement or sale deed
  7. NOC from the landlord
  8. Passport size photo
  1. Apply DSC & DIN of new director
  2. Obtaining consent, intimation and disclosure from the individuals proposed to be appointed as a director
  3. Board Meeting for appointing
  4. File e-form DIR-12 for appointing
  5. Resignation on from resigning directors
  6. File e-form DIR-11
  7. Board meeting for resignation
  8. File e-form DIR-12 for resignation
  • Simple and quick procedure
  • Professionals will lead you through the entire process.
  • A resolution is prepared, and paperwork are filled out and submitted on your behalf.
  • Your questions will be addressed.

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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