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Legal DoorLegal DoorLegal Door

Share Transfer



Share transfer refers to transferring the shares from one person to another either by sale or gift. It takes place through a contract between two or more persons. The transmission can also take place due to death, succession, inheritance, bankruptcy, etc.

Required documents How we process Why Legal Door
  1. Income Tax PAN of both the transferee and the transferor.
  2. Passport size color photo of both transferee and transferor.
  3. Adhar card or electricity bill or passport or driving license or voter ID card of both transferee and transferor.
  4. Original share certificates of the Transferor.
  1. Fill up and execute the share transfer form in Form SH-4.
  2. Pay the stamp duty on the form SH-4 by affixing the share transfer stamps of 0.25% of the total consideration amount involved in the share transfer.
  3. Deliver the SH-4 at the registered office of the company.
  4. Pass the Board Resolution for approval of share transfer.
  5. Make necessary entries in the register of members and register of share transfer.
  6. Make necessary endorsement at the back of share certificate and handover the same to the transferee.

Our team will be reviewing the assignment, and as a result, professional advice with an experienced approach will be given regarding the issue of transferring shares across exchanges or to third parties as necessary.

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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