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Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS)

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Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS)

The term BIS stands for Bureau of Indian Standards, an Indian National Standard Body established in accordance with the BIS Act of 2016. It was created to facilitate the establishment of product standardisation, marking, and quality certification, as well as incidental or related issues. By supplying secure and trustworthy items of high quality, lowering consumer health risks, encouraging import and export alternatives, reducing variety proliferation, etc., BIS is bringing traceable and noticeable advantages to the national economy.

In India, the BIS grants BIS Certification to give customers a third-party assurance of the trustworthiness, quality, and safety of their purchases. For certain products, the government of our nation has made it mandatory to take public health into account. Increased customer trust in the products, quality assurance, protection from dangerous items, and public health protection are all goals of BIS certification.

The BIS Certification is obtained by the manufacturer of the electronic goods specified under the Compulsory Registration System (CRS). The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) announced the Compulsory Registration System (CRS) in 2012. A person cannot produce, distribute, or store goods for sale or import that do not comply with the Indian Standard as stipulated in the order and bear a standard mark with a BIS unique registration number, according to a 2012 order from the Ministry.


  •  Growth of standardisation, quality certification, and marking that is continuous and harmonious
  • Seamless creation of a national strategy for standard recognition and synchronisation with the growth of exports and products
  • To provide a fresh approach to quality assurance and standardisation.

Benefits of OHAS 18001 Certification

lays the foundation for total quality management, or TQM.
Ensures greater resource utilisation.
Get rid of the overhead costs incurred during product manufacturing.
Provide access to unexplored international markets by facilitating global recognition.
Solid evidence of the product's quality.
Enabling the use of customised quality management.
Aids company to gradually build reputation in the industry.
Types Of BIS Required documents Licensing Procedure BIS Certification Validity Why Legal Door
  1. BIS CRS
  2. FMCS Certification
  3. ISI Mark/ Certification
  4. Hallmark
  5. Recognition of Assaying and Hallmarking Centre
  6. BIS Laboratory Recognition Scheme
  7. Management System Certification
  8. ECO Mark Certification
  • Name and location proof of the factory and office
  • Documents proving the manufacturing unit's establishment, such as a memorandum of association, an incorporation certificate, or a registration certificate
  • Certificate for MSME/SSI, if applicable
  • All manufacturing processes are included in the manufacturing process flow (from raw material to finished product stage)
  • List of manufacturing equipment and information about the machinery
  • Information about outsourcing a manufacturing activity, if any
  • A comprehensive list of testing locations and testing equipment
  • Copies of the testing equipment's current calibration certifications
  • If applicable, a third-party laboratory test report in accordance with Indian Standards
  • Plan of the factory's grounds and a map of its location
  • Report of internal or external testing, if appropriate
  • The licencing process and the surveillance process are typically steps in the BIS registration process. The licencing procedure involves the following steps:
  • The producers submit a BIS registration request.
  • A preliminary inspection will be conducted at the factory by the BIS officer.
  • Testing of the product samples will follow the inspection.
  • The BIS officer will determine the ultimate outcome following the conclusion of the evaluation.
  • The inspecting officer will follow up on the inspection with surveillance to conduct a thorough audit of the factory. The surveillance procedure involves the following steps:
  • To verify the test results, the inspecting authority will pay a visit to the factory.
  • The inspector will forward the samples to the outside laboratories.
  • The test report will provide response or an overview of the investigation for the complaint.
  • The report of the performance evaluation will be created.
  • The BIS licence is issued when the report has been evaluated.

The BIS certification that it has granted is valid for two years. When there hasn't been a change to the relevant items or the required standards, the makers can renew their BIS certification. The BIS certificate that has been renewed will be good for a minimum of one year and a maximum of five years.


An annual advance minimum licencing fee is required for the BIS certificate to be renewed. However, if the BIS certification renewal application is submitted after the certificate's expiration date, the applicant must pay a late charge of Rs. 5000.

Submitting documents to a Legal Door expert and creating a BIS certification application

Fulfill all requirements for admission for preliminary screening.

Finished procedural steps

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Manufacturing Units effectively receive BIS Registration Certificates. Yet eligible goods importers and traders can also obtain this certification on behalf of their specific Manufacturing Units.

Product certification in accordance with the BIS aims to assure third parties of the safety, quality, and dependability of the product. The certification seeks to guarantee that the product complies with Indian Standards (IS).

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