Director (DIR3) KYC
Director (DIR3) KYC
Director identification number (DIN) is a unique identification number given to the director of the company. DIN is obtained by filing application in e-form DIR-3. All directors with a DIN have to submit their KYC details with MCA annually in e-form DIR-3 KYC.
Required documents
How we process
Why Legal Door
- Proof of permanent address – copy of electricity bill, adhar card.
- Copy of adhar card and passport is mandatory if it is assigned.
- Proof of present address – copy of electricity bill, rent agreement.
- Optional attachment if any – copy of pan card, voter ID.
- Applicant’s Digital Signature.
- Download the DIR-3 KYC form from MCA website.
- Fill in the DIN.
- Furnish the required details in the DIR-3 KYC form.
- Enter the PAN number and verify income tax PAN.
- Update contact details and verify OTP.
- Authentication of e-form.
- Data collection and beginning of the process
- developing the initial compliance draught
- Reviewing the draught and editing it as needed
- Filing the compliance
- Leading legal consulting firm Legal Door offers complete DIR-3 KYC services.
- If you haven't yet submitted your DIR-3 KYC, get in touch with us.