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CMA Audit & Report

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CMA Audit and Report

CMA Audit and Report

Certified Management Accountant (CMA) is a professional certification in the fields of accounting and financial management which signifies that the person has knowledge in the areas of financial planning, analysis, control, decision support, and professional ethics. Credit Monitoring Arrangement (CMA) report is the report which shows the projected and past performance of a business in financial terms. All the financial ratios and metrics are compiled for helping financial analysts and bankers for ascertaining the financial position of the business.

Required documents How we process
  1. Particulars of current & proposed limits.
  2. Operating statement.
  3. Analysis of balance sheet.
  4. Comparative statement of current asset & current liabilities.
  5. Calculation of maximum permissible bank finance.
  6. Fund flow statement.
  7. Ratio analysis.
  8. Previous 2 years audited financials.
  9. Latest sanction letter (in case of renewal).
  10. Provisional financial for the current year.
  11. Term Loan Repayment Schedule if any.
  1. Planning
  2. Fieldwork
  3. Audit Report.
  4. Follow-up review.

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