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Crowdfunding Platforms

Crowdfunding Platforms

Crowdfunding platforms have become increasingly popular in India over the past few years as a means for entrepreneurs, artists, and social causes to raise money from a large number of individuals through the internet. Here are some key points to know about crowdfunding platforms in India:

Types of crowdfunding: There are generally four types of crowdfunding in India – donation-based, reward-based, equity-based, and debt-based. In donation-based crowdfunding, individuals donate money to support a cause or project without expecting anything in return. In reward-based crowdfunding, individuals contribute money in exchange for rewards or products. In equity-based crowdfunding, investors receive shares in the company in exchange for their investment. In debt-based crowdfunding, investors receive interest on their investment.

Popular crowdfunding platforms: Some of the most popular crowdfunding platforms in India include Ketto, Milaap, ImpactGuru, FundMyDream, and Wishberry. These platforms offer different types of crowdfunding and cater to various sectors such as social causes, creative projects, and startups.

Regulatory framework: Crowdfunding in India is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). SEBI has set up a regulatory framework for equity crowdfunding, while RBI has provided guidelines for debt-based crowdfunding.

Success stories: Crowdfunding has helped many individuals and organizations in India raise funds for their causes or projects. For example, Milaap helped raise over Rs. 50 crore for the Kerala flood relief in 2018. Ketto has also helped fundraise for various causes such as medical treatment for individuals and education for underprivileged children.

Challenges: Crowdfunding in India is not without its challenges. Some of the challenges include a lack of awareness among the general public, a limited pool of potential investors, and regulatory hurdles. However, as more people become aware of the benefits of crowdfunding and as the regulatory framework becomes more streamlined, crowdfunding is expected to grow in India.

Overall, crowdfunding platforms have provided a new way for individuals and organizations to raise money in India. As the industry matures, it is expected to become an increasingly important source of funding for startups, social causes, and creative projects.


Crowdfunding is a method of fundraising that involves gathering small amounts of money from a large number of people via an online platform.

The main types of crowdfunding are reward-based, equity-based, and donation-based.

A reward-based crowdfunding platform allows individuals to raise funds by offering rewards to their supporters, usually in the form of products or services.

An equity-based crowdfunding platform allows individuals to raise funds by selling equity shares in their company to investors.

A donation-based crowdfunding platform allows individuals to raise funds for charitable causes or personal needs without offering any rewards or equity.

Yes, crowdfunding platforms are legal in India. However, they are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

Some popular crowdfunding platforms in India include Ketto, Milaap, Wishberry, and ImpactGuru.

Crowdfunding platforms usually charge a percentage of the funds raised as a fee for their services.

Investing in crowdfunding carries risks, such as the possibility of losing your investment if the project fails or the company doesn’t perform as expected. Additionally, many crowdfunding investments are illiquid and cannot be easily sold.

Crowdfunding can be a good way to raise money for certain projects or businesses, but it is not guaranteed success. It requires a lot of effort to create a compelling campaign and reach potential supporters.

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