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CA Audit & Report

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CA Audit and Report

CA Audit and Report

Audit refers to checking of all the books of accounts, financial transactions of a company, statutory records, etc. The objective is to find a true and accurate picture of the present condition of the company. The audit report is a key deliverable that shows the end results of the entire audit process. The decisions of the financial statement users such as investors, lenders, customers are based on the audit reports. An audit report is always critical to influencing the perceived value of any financial statement’s audit. The report should be issued by the auditor by being unbiased and objective in discharging the functions as there is a number of people placing reliance on such report and taking decisions accordingly.

Required documents How we process
  1. Reports on the Payroll.
  2. List of all the bank accounts used.
  3. List and evidence of all the transactions.
  4. The general ledger.
  5. Trial balance of the company.
  6. Copies of all legal documents.
  7. Confirmations from bank, customers, suppliers, lenders, etc.
  8. Schedules like asset register, depreciation, prepayments, accrual, etc.
  9. Loan documents.
  1. Planning
  2. Notification
  3. Opening meeting.
  4. Fieldwork
  5. Report drafting.
  6. Management Response.
  7. Closing meeting.
  8. Final audit report distribution.
  9. Follow-up.

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