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Section 8 Company Registration

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Section 8 Company Registration

Section 8 Company registered under section 8 of the companies’ act 2013. The main objective to register this company is to promote art, commerce, sports, safety, science, research, healthcare, charity, social welfare, religion, protection of the environment, etc.This company is registered for charitable or non-profit purposes. Trustor Society is registered under state government regulations while section 8 company is registered under the Central Government, Ministry of Corporate Affairs.Legal Door helps you to register Section 8 Company within 15 to 20 days.

 Advantages to form a partnership firm:

It is registered with names that contain words like Association, Foundation, Society, Council, Club, Charities, Institute, Academy, Organisation, Federation, Chamber of Commerce, Development, and more.
Section 8 Company will also have revenue, expenses, profits, and losses.
The management of a Section 8 Company can be easily transferred from one person to another
Certificate of incorporation for a Section 8 Company is issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India.
Overview Required documents How we process

Section 8 Company registered under section 8 of the companies’ act 2013. The main objective to register this company is to promote art, commerce, sports, safety, science, research, healthcare, charity, social welfare, religion, protection of the environment, etc.This company is registered for charitable or non-profit purposes. Trustor Society is registered under state government regulations while section 8 company is registered under the Central Government, Ministry of Corporate Affairs.Legal Door helps you to register Section 8 Company within 15 to 20 days.

Required Documents for Section 8 Company Registration

For Directors/Shareholders

  • Copy of PAN Card
  • Identity Proof (Voter Card, Passport, Driving Licence)
  • Address Proof (Bank Statement, Mobile bill, Telephone bill, Electricity Bill)
  • Passport Size Photo

For Registered Office

  • Ownership Proof (Electricity Bill, Gas bill, Electricity Bill, Mobile Bill)
  • NOC (Download Format)

Step 1: Receiving Documents & Apply, DIN & DSC 1-2 Days

Step 2: Drafting MOA and AOA. 3-5 Days

Step 3: INC-1 for name reservation, INC-12 for Licence (Depends upon different ROC) and Spice Form 32 6 to 9 Days

Step 4 Certificate Of Incorporation, PAN & TAN10 to 12 Days


The property of the company vests in the name of the Company and the same can be sold as per the rules mentioned under the Companies Act, (Eg: With the consent of the Board of Directors in the form of a resolution).

The Director required to be above 18 years of age and must be a natural person. He may or may not be citizen or residence of India. We can say that even foreign nationals can be Directors in Indian Section 8 Company.

In case of Private Limited Company, minimum no. of members is two and maximum are two hundred.

  1. Apply for PAN and TAN
  2. Apply for Sales Tax / Service Tax Registration based on the nature of Business.
  3. Filing ADT-1 for Appointment of First Auditor of the Company within 1 Month of Incorporation of Company and in case the Board fails to appoint such auditor, it shall inform the members of the company, who shall within ninety days at an Extra Ordinary General Meeting appoint such auditor and such auditor shall hold office till the conclusion of the first Annual General Meeting.
  4. Filing Income Tax Return of Company on or Before 30th September every year
  5. To maintain proper Books of Accounts

Register your Business in India

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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