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Copyright Registration

Copyright Registration

Copyright Registration

Copyright is a kind of intellectual property protection like trademark and patents. Copyright registration is done following the Copyright Act, 1957. With copyright registration, you become a legal owner of your creative work in respect of books, paintings, music, website, etc. Copyright registration with the authority secures the creative work of the author cannot be copied. No person is allowed to use the same without the permission of the author or creator. The author is entitled to charge others for using his work or changing it. Copyrights registration safeguards the rights of the inventor from infringement.

In India, the registration gives its owner exclusive, individual rights to distribute, replicate, reproduce the work or give authorization to another entity for the same. It offers a bunch of rights – communication to the public, rights of reproduction, adaptation, and translation of the work. However, ideas, procedures, methods of operation or mathematical concepts cannot be copyrighted.

Basic Requirements for Copyright Registration

Registration guarantees legal protection guards goodwill and restricts unlawful reproduction of the work of the inventor. Global protection as the copyright in India is known virtually worldwide.

Basic Details of Candidate:
Basic details like Name, Address, and Nationality of the candidate are required before registration.

Soft Copies and CDs:
Candidate must make a soft copy of his/her work and all files optionally in JPEG, JPG or GIF format. If you wish to file a copyright for your computer programs, then you must prepare 4 CDs or DVDs of the particular computer programs.

Get a Trademark Certificate for Artistic Work:
If you are submitting copyright registration for any artistic work, a clear copyright search certificate has to be taken from the trademark office before submission.

Power of Attorney:
If the candidate is registering copyright through any authorized firm or advocate, the power of attorney rightfully signed by the candidate is mandatory.

Advantages of Copyright Registration : 

Legal Protection
Branding and Goodwill
Global Protection
Restricts Unauthorized Reproduction
Creation of Asset
Overview Documents Required?

Copyright is a kind of intellectual property protection like trademark and patents. Copyright registration is done following the Copyright Act, 1957. With copyright registration, you become a legal owner of your creative work in respect of books, paintings, music, website, etc. Copyright registration with the authority secures the creative work of the author cannot be copied. No person is allowed to use the same without the permission of the author or creator. The author is entitled to charge others for using his work or changing it. Copyrights registration safeguards the rights of the inventor from infringement.

In India, the registration gives its owner exclusive, individual rights to distribute, replicate, reproduce the work or give authorization to another entity for the same. It offers a bunch of rights – communication to the public, rights of reproduction, adaptation, and translation of the work. However, ideas, procedures, methods of operation or mathematical concepts cannot be copyrighted.

1. Name, Address & Nationality of the Candidate – ID proof

2. NOC from the publisher if work published and publisher is different from the applicant.

3. Search Certificate from Trade Mark Office (TM -60) if any

4. NOC from a person whose photograph appears on the work.

5. Power of Attorney

6. 2 Copies of work

7. KYC of author

8. DD/IPO of Rs. per work ((as applicable)

9. NOC from the author if the candidate is different from the author.


Prepare a copyright application and file it. After that, you will be allotted a diary no. and waits for the 30 days in case of objection. If there is no objection the authorized person will examine the application and if he/she is satisfied the registration s approved by the registrar. With approval, the quotations will be sent by the registrar to the candidate.

Any person or business entity can apply for copyright registration. The individual can be author, creator, musician, photographer, producer, painter, composer, or a company may safeguard their creative by using this legal authority.

Copyright registration is needed to secure your original work from fraud or unfair advantage. Having copyright over your original work gives proof that this particular work belongs to you only.

NO, you cannot register your name or title. Name or titles can only get trademark registration.

After registering the application, the department gives a diary number and waits for 30 days.
If the examiner comes up with an error, the same need to be settled within 45 days. Hence, it takes approx. 1-2 months in the normal course in the registration of the copyright.

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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