Services Archive - Legal Door The People's Door Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:10:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Services Archive - Legal Door 32 32 Pvt. Ltd. Company Registration Sat, 21 Mar 2020 08:24:52 +0000 Starts New Private Limited Company from ₹ 11,999 /- Name* Phone* Email* Services*select ServicesCompany RegistrationLegal CompliancesLegal DocumentationIPR ServicesISO ServicesCorporate Aviation & Aerospace Message*SubmitReset Private Limited Company Private Limited Company is a highly popular and operable entity among the business person and corporate house in India. Ministry of corporate affairs is the governing body for all […]

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Starts New Private Limited Company from ₹ 11,999 /-

Private Limited Company

Private Limited Company is a highly popular and operable entity among the business person and corporate house in India. Ministry of corporate affairs is the governing body for all private limited companies. Companies Act 2013 and the company incorporation rule 2014 under which all private limited company gets registered. Minimum two directors and two shareholders are required for any private limited.
Legal Door helps you to incorporate a private limited company within 10 days.

An advantage to incorporate a private limited company:

Transferable ownership by transferring shares.
It can raise the fund by raising equity shares.
Ownership over the property by the private limited company.
A legal entity is fully separate.
Long Existence.
Overview Required documents How we process

Private Limited Company is a highly popular and operable entity among the business person and corporate house in India. Ministry of corporate affairs is the governing body for all private limited companies. Companies Act 2013 and the company incorporation rule 2014 under which all private limited company gets registered. Minimum two directors and two shareholders are required for any private limited.
Legal Door helps you to incorporate a private limited company within 10 days.

Required Documents for Private Limited Company Registration

In regard to the Private Limited Company registration, following documents are needed:

  • Self-attested PAN card copy
  • One (Color) Photograph
  • Self-attested copy of any one of the Identity Proof like Driving License, Passport or Voter ID.
  • Self-attested copy of any one of the Address Proof like Bank Pass Book/Bank Statement, Telephone Landline Bill/ Mobile Bill or Electricity Bill.
  • For the Company Address proof Electricity Bill, Telephone Bill, Mobile Bill or Gas Bill AND Rent Agreement (If Rented) AND NOC for doing Business & for taking Registration.

Step 1 : Receiving Documents & Apply, DIN & DSC  1-2 Days

Step 2 : Drafting MOA and AOA electronically in Spice MOA (INC-33) and Spice AOA (INC-34) 3-5 Days

Step 3: Submission of Spice Form INC-32 along with link Form Spice MOA (INC-33) and Spice AOA (INC-34) 6 to 9 Days

Step 4: Certificate Of Incorporation, PAN & TAN 10 to 12 Days



No, new company registration is a fully online process. As all documents are filed electronically, you would not need to be physically present at all. You would need to send us scanned copies of all the required documents & forms.

The Registrar of Companies (RoC) across India expect applicant to follow a few naming guidelines. Some of them are subjective, which means that approval can depend on the opinion of the officer handling your application. However, the more closely you follow the rules listed below, the better your chances of approval. First, however, do ensure that your name is available.

If you have all the documents in order, it will take no longer than 15 days. However, this is dependent on the workload of the registrar.

The can be divided into four categories: cost of setting a private limited company, cost of accounting and auditing, cost of compliance and miscellaneous expenses. At the very minimum, you can expect to spend Rs. 40,000 on all of these.

A Private Limited Company can choose to attain, own, enjoy and isolate property in its own name. No shareholders are eligible to make any claim upon the property of the company as long as the company is a running entity.

Register your Business in India

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Public Limited Company Registration Sat, 21 Mar 2020 08:23:48 +0000 Starts New Public Limited Company from ₹ 29,999 /- Name* Phone* Email* Services*select ServicesCompany RegistrationLegal CompliancesLegal DocumentationIPR ServicesISO ServicesCorporate Aviation & Aerospace Message*SubmitReset Public Limited Company Registration Public Limited Company is the most ideal for medium and large-sized corporate houses. Ministry of corporate affairs is the governing body for all public limited companies. Companies Act […]

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Starts New Public Limited Company from ₹ 29,999 /-

Public Limited Company Registration

Public Limited Company is the most ideal for medium and large-sized corporate houses. Ministry of corporate affairs is the governing body for all public limited companies. Companies Act 2013 and the company incorporation rule 2014 under which all public limited company gets registered. A minimum of three Directors is required to form a Public Limited Company. In a public limited company, a minimum number of members is seven while there is no cap on the maximum number of members. Legal Door helps you to incorporate a public limited company within 15 days.

Advantages to incorporate a private limited company:

Raising the fund from the public.
A public limited company can be listed in the stock exchange.
Ownership over the property by Public limited company.
A legal entity is fully separate.
Long Existence
Overview Required documents How we process

Public Limited Company is the most ideal for medium and large-sized corporate houses. Ministry of corporate affairs is the governing body for all public limited companies. Companies Act 2013 and the company incorporation rule 2014 under which all public limited company gets registered. A minimum of three Directors is required to form a Public Limited Company. In a public limited company, a minimum number of members is seven while there is no cap on the maximum number of members. Legal Door helps you to incorporate a public limited company within 15 days.


For Directors/Shareholders
  • Copy of PAN Card
  • Identity Proof (Voter Card, Passport, Driving Licence)
  • Address Proof (Bank Statement, Mobile bill, Telephone bill, Electricity Bill)
  • Passport Size Photo

For Registered Office

  • Ownership Proof (Electricity Bill, Gas bill, Electricity Bill, Mobile Bill)
  • NOC (Download Format)


Step 1 : Receiving Documents & Apply, DIN & DSC 1-2 Days.

Step 2 : Drafting MOA and AOA. 3-4 Days

Step 3 : INC-1 for name reservation, INC-12 for Licence (Depends upon different ROC) and Spice Form 32 6 to 9 Days

Step 4 : Certificate Of Incorporation, PAN & TAN
10 to 12 Days




To incorporate a company we required approximately 10 to 12 working days. The time taken for incorporation will depend on submission of relevant documents by the client and speed of Government Approvals. To ensure speedy process of incorporation, please choose a unique name for your Company and ensure you have all the required documents are provided before starting the incorporation process.

The Director required to be above 18 years of age and must be a natural person. He may or may not be citizen or residence of India. We can say that even foreign nationals can be Directors in Indian Public Limited Company.

In case of Public Limited Company, Minimum three (3) and Maximum Fifteen (15) numbers of directors are required.

There is no limit on maximum number of member; however minimum numbers of members are Seven (7).

A Public limited company must get its statutory audit done by a Chartered Accountant at the financial year end and it also required to file Income Tax Return to Income Tax Department. In Addition to that a company also required to file its Annual Filling Forms with Registrar of Companies. Further the Public Limited Company must conduct Board Meeting atleast once in every 3 months and an Annual General Meeting, at least once in every year and also maintain Minutes of every Board Meetings and General Meetings and Statutory Registers.

Register your Business in India

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Limited Liablity Partnership Registration Sat, 21 Mar 2020 08:22:00 +0000 Starts Limited Liability Partnership from ₹ 10999/ Name* Phone* Email* Services*select ServicesCompany RegistrationLegal CompliancesLegal DocumentationIPR ServicesISO ServicesCorporate Aviation & Aerospace Message*SubmitReset Limited Liability Partnership Registration LLP introduce in 2010. Since inception, it emerges one of the easiest forms of business to incorporate and manage in India. The main benefit of Limited Liability Partnership over a […]

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Starts Limited Liability Partnership from ₹ 10999/

Limited Liability Partnership Registration

LLP introduce in 2010. Since inception, it emerges one of the easiest forms of business to incorporate and manage in India. The main benefit of Limited Liability Partnership over a traditional partnership firm is that in an LLP, one partner is not responsible or liable for another partner’s misconduct or negligence. It has very simple compliance formalities. Usually, LLP is preferred by Professionals, Micro, and Small businesses that are family-owned or closely-held. Legal Door helps you to registered LLP within 10 days of the period

Advantages to registered Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

Easy legal compliance.
One partner is not responsible or liable for another partner’s misconduct or negligence.
Ownership over the property by Limited Liability Partnership.
Easy to do business for Professionals, Micro, and Small businesses that are family-owned or closely-held.
Long Existence
Overview Required documents How we process

LLP introduce in 2010. Since inception, it emerges one of the easiest forms of business to incorporate and manage in India. The main benefit of Limited Liability Partnership over a traditional partnership firm is that in an LLP, one partner is not responsible or liable for another partner’s misconduct or negligence. It has very simple compliance formalities. Usually, LLP is preferred by Professionals, Micro, and Small businesses that are family-owned or closely-held. Legal Door helps you to registered LLP within 10 days of the period

Documents required for LLP registration in India
The method of LLP registration in India does not require much legwork when it comes to documents.

To Be Submitted By Partners
Scanned copy of PAN Card or passport (Foreign Nationals & NRIs)
Scanned copy of Adhar Card/ Voter's ID/Passport/Driver's License
Scanned copy of Latest Bank Statement/Telephone or Mobile Bill/Electricity or Gas Bill
Scanned passport-sized photograph Specimen signature (blank document with signature [partners only])
Note: Any one of the partners must self-attest the first three documents. In the case of foreign nationals and NRIs, all the documents must be notarized (if currently in India or a non-Commonwealth country) or apostilled (if in a Commonwealth country).
For The Registered Office
Scanned copy of latest bank statement/telephone or mobile bill/electricity or gas Bill
Scanned copy of Notarised Rental Agreement in English
Scanned copy of No-objection Certificate from the property owner
Scanned copy of Sale Deed/Property Deed in English (in case of owned property)
Note: Your registered office need not be a commercial space; it can be your residence, too.

Step 1 : DIN, DSC & Name Approval 1-7 Days

Step 2 : Submission of Form 2  8-14 Days

Step 3 : Submission of Form 3 & 4 15 to 19 Days

Step 4 : Certificate Of Incorporation 20 to 30 Days.


An LLP agreement is one that is made between the partners and the LLP regarding the relationship between the individual partners in the LLP. An LLP agreement usually consists of management policies, inclusion of new partners, policy making strategies, and so on.

One can use the Form 3 to file an LLP agreement.

Yes, it is much cheaper to run an LLP than a private limited company, particularly in your early start-up days. This is because many compliances, such as an audit, apply to LLPs only after their turnover is sizeable. Most LLPs spend about half as much as a private limited company in their first year on registrations and compliance work.

Any group of persons who have or want to invest money in a business can start an LLP. A person or an investor becomes a partner, according to the LLP agreement, as provided in the Act of 2008. Also, the investors/partners are owners of the business started under the LLP.

Any individual, or even a company or an LLP, can become a partner. However, only an individual can become a ‘designated partner’ in an LLP.

Register your Business in India

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One Person Company Registration Wed, 11 Mar 2020 09:22:21 +0000 Starts One Person Company Registration from ₹ 10999/ Name* Phone* Email* Services*select ServicesCompany RegistrationLegal CompliancesLegal DocumentationIPR ServicesISO ServicesCorporate Aviation & Aerospace Message*SubmitReset One Person Company Registration  The best advantages of a One Person Company (OPC) is that there can be only one member in an OPC, while a minimum of two members are required for […]

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Starts One Person Company Registration from ₹ 10999/

One Person Company Registration

 The best advantages of a One Person Company (OPC) is that there can be only one member in an OPC, while a minimum of two members are required for incorporating and maintaining a Private Limited Company or a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). Similar to a Private Limited Company, a One Person Company is a separate legal entity from its promoter, offering limited liability protection to its sole shareholder, while having continuity of business and being easy to incorporate.

Advantages to registered One Person Company (OPC)

Easy legal compliance.
Separate legal entity: an OPC Company is a separate legal entity from the owner.
Ownership over the property by Limited Liability Partnership.
In case of One Person Company, cash flow statement is not required.
Long Existence
Overview Required documents How we process

The best advantages of a One Person Company (OPC) is that there can be only one member in an OPC, while a minimum of two members are required for incorporating and maintaining a Private Limited Company or a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). Similar to a Private Limited Company, a One Person Company is a separate legal entity from its promoter, offering limited liability protection to its sole shareholder, while having continuity of business and being easy to incorporate.

1 Identity proof of Directors (PAN Card)

2 Address proof of Directors ( Aadhar Card/ Passport/Driving Licence, Voter ID)

3 Proof of Registered office ( Electricity Bill with rent agreement and NOC from the owner)

4 Three Month Bank Statements of Directors.

5 Passport size photograph of Directors

Step 1 : Receiving Documents & Apply, DIN & DSC 1-2 Days

Step 2 : Drafting MOA and AOA electronically in Spice MOA (INC-33) and Spice AOA (INC-34) 3-5 Days

Step 3 :Submission of Spice Form INC-32 along with link Form Spice MOA (INC-33) and Spice AOA (INC-34)
6 to 9 Days

Step 4 : Certificate Of Incorporation, PAN & TAN 10 to 12 Days


An individual who is an Indian citizen and Indian resident can choose to setup a One Person Company. There is no minimum educational requirement for such individual to become the director in company. Even he can be a shareholder of such type of company.

Only a natural person who is an Indian citizen and a resident in India can choose to become a nominee. Nominee must also be over 18 years of age. He cannot become a nominee for more than one OPC.

All such businesses must maintain books of accounts, comply with statutory audit requirements and submit income tax returns and annual filings with the RoC.

The MCA is skeptical about a single person in charge of a large corporation. Therefore, it requires all OPCs to be converted into private limited or public limited companies on crossing a certain revenue number. Currently, in case of an average turnover of Rs. 2 crore or more for the three consecutive years or a paid-up capital of over Rs. 50 lakh, the OPC must mandatorily be converted into an OPC.

The cost of an OPC is only marginally lower than that of a private limited company. You’ll be shelling out around Rs. 12,000 to incorporate, then paying around Rs. 15,000 a year in compliance fees and an auditor to inspect your books.

Register your Business in India

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Nidhi Company Registration Wed, 11 Mar 2020 09:21:33 +0000 Starts Nidhi Company Registration from ₹ 34,999 /- Name* Phone* Email* Services*select ServicesCompany RegistrationLegal CompliancesLegal DocumentationIPR ServicesISO ServicesCorporate Aviation & Aerospace Message*SubmitReset Nidhi Company Registration Nidhi company is a class of Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFCs)which does not require any license from the RBI. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is empowered to issue directions to them […]

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Starts Nidhi Company Registration from ₹ 34,999 /-

Nidhi Company Registration

Nidhi company is a class of Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFCs)which does not require any license from the RBI. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is empowered to issue directions to them in matters relating to their deposit and acceptance activities.

Nidhi companies are allowed to take the deposit of the amount from its members and lend to their members only. Nidhi company registration requires a minimum of 3 members. All the Nidhi company’s incorporated shall have the last word as “Nidhi Limited” as part of its name.

Advantages to Nidhi Company Registration

Helpful for Lower and Middle Classes
Minimum Documentation and Formalities
Secured Investments
Low Rates of Interest
No External involvement in Management
Overview Required documents How we process

Nidhi company is a class of Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFCs)which does not require any license from the RBI. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is empowered to issue directions to them in matters relating to their deposit and acceptance activities.

Nidhi companies are allowed to take the deposit of the amount from its members and lend to their members only. Nidhi company registration requires a minimum of 3 members. All the Nidhi company’s incorporated shall have the last word as “Nidhi Limited” as part of its name.

Required Documents for Nidhi Company Registration
Following are the documents required for company incorporation for each director/ shareholder

  • Self attested PAN card copy.
  • Four Photographs.
  • Self attested copy of any one of the Identity Proof like Driving License, Passport, Voter ID & Adhaar Card
  • Self attested copy of any one of the Address Proof like Bank Pass Book/ Bank Statement, Telephone Landline Bill, Mobile Bill & Electricity Bill
  • Company Address proof Electricity Bill, Telephone Bill, Mobile Bill & Gas Bill, AND Rent Agreement (if rented) AND NOC for doing Business & for taking Registration.

Step 1: Receiving Documents & Apply, DIN & DSC 1-2 Days.

Step 2:Drafting MOA and AOA electronically in Spice MOA (INC-33) and Spice AOA (INC-34) 5-8 Days

Step 3: Submission of Spice Form INC-32 along with link Form Spice MOA (INC-33) and Spice AOA (INC-34)
9 to 14 Days

Step 4: Certificate Of Incorporation, PAN & TAN 15 to 20 Days


Any person can deposit, lend or borrow money through the provisions provided by the Companies Act, 2013. Hence, they can all become members of a Nidhi Company. provided they are not a corporation or a company.

A minimum of three branches can be opened in a particular district. In case you want to expand outside the district or want to open more than three branches, the Registrar of Companies need to intimated 30 days prior to their opening.

No, A minor shall not be admitted as a member of Nidhi but deposits may be accepted in the name of a minor, if they are made by the natural or legal guardian who is a member of Nidhi.

No, Trust or Body Corporate can not be admitted as a member of Nidhi Company.

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Section 8 Company Registration Wed, 04 Mar 2020 01:26:57 +0000 Starts Section 8 Company Registrationfrom ₹ 29,999 /- Name* Phone* Email* Services*select ServicesCompany RegistrationLegal CompliancesLegal DocumentationIPR ServicesISO ServicesCorporate Aviation & Aerospace Message*SubmitReset Section 8 Company Registration Section 8 Company registered under section 8 of the companies’ act 2013. The main objective to register this company is to promote art, commerce, sports, safety, science, research, healthcare, […]

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Starts Section 8 Company Registrationfrom ₹ 29,999 /-

Section 8 Company Registration

Section 8 Company registered under section 8 of the companies’ act 2013. The main objective to register this company is to promote art, commerce, sports, safety, science, research, healthcare, charity, social welfare, religion, protection of the environment, etc.This company is registered for charitable or non-profit purposes. Trustor Society is registered under state government regulations while section 8 company is registered under the Central Government, Ministry of Corporate Affairs.Legal Door helps you to register Section 8 Company within 15 to 20 days.

 Advantages to form a partnership firm:

It is registered with names that contain words like Association, Foundation, Society, Council, Club, Charities, Institute, Academy, Organisation, Federation, Chamber of Commerce, Development, and more.
Section 8 Company will also have revenue, expenses, profits, and losses.
The management of a Section 8 Company can be easily transferred from one person to another
Certificate of incorporation for a Section 8 Company is issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India.
Overview Required documents How we process

Section 8 Company registered under section 8 of the companies’ act 2013. The main objective to register this company is to promote art, commerce, sports, safety, science, research, healthcare, charity, social welfare, religion, protection of the environment, etc.This company is registered for charitable or non-profit purposes. Trustor Society is registered under state government regulations while section 8 company is registered under the Central Government, Ministry of Corporate Affairs.Legal Door helps you to register Section 8 Company within 15 to 20 days.

Required Documents for Section 8 Company Registration

For Directors/Shareholders

  • Copy of PAN Card
  • Identity Proof (Voter Card, Passport, Driving Licence)
  • Address Proof (Bank Statement, Mobile bill, Telephone bill, Electricity Bill)
  • Passport Size Photo

For Registered Office

  • Ownership Proof (Electricity Bill, Gas bill, Electricity Bill, Mobile Bill)
  • NOC (Download Format)

Step 1: Receiving Documents & Apply, DIN & DSC 1-2 Days

Step 2: Drafting MOA and AOA. 3-5 Days

Step 3: INC-1 for name reservation, INC-12 for Licence (Depends upon different ROC) and Spice Form 32 6 to 9 Days

Step 4 Certificate Of Incorporation, PAN & TAN10 to 12 Days


The property of the company vests in the name of the Company and the same can be sold as per the rules mentioned under the Companies Act, (Eg: With the consent of the Board of Directors in the form of a resolution).

The Director required to be above 18 years of age and must be a natural person. He may or may not be citizen or residence of India. We can say that even foreign nationals can be Directors in Indian Section 8 Company.

In case of Private Limited Company, minimum no. of members is two and maximum are two hundred.

  1. Apply for PAN and TAN
  2. Apply for Sales Tax / Service Tax Registration based on the nature of Business.
  3. Filing ADT-1 for Appointment of First Auditor of the Company within 1 Month of Incorporation of Company and in case the Board fails to appoint such auditor, it shall inform the members of the company, who shall within ninety days at an Extra Ordinary General Meeting appoint such auditor and such auditor shall hold office till the conclusion of the first Annual General Meeting.
  4. Filing Income Tax Return of Company on or Before 30th September every year
  5. To maintain proper Books of Accounts

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Producer Company Registration Wed, 04 Mar 2020 01:25:29 +0000 Starts Producers Company Registration from ₹ 69,999 /- Name* Phone* Email* Services*select ServicesCompany RegistrationLegal CompliancesLegal DocumentationIPR ServicesISO ServicesCorporate Aviation & Aerospace Message*SubmitReset Producers Company Registration A Producer Company is formed by 10 or more individuals or two or more institutions dealing in agricultural produces or post-harvest processing activities. Thus, a producer company is a legally […]

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Starts Producers Company Registration from ₹ 69,999 /-

Producers Company Registration

A Producer Company is formed by 10 or more individuals or two or more institutions dealing in agricultural produces or post-harvest processing activities. Thus, a producer company is a legally recognized cluster of agriculturists/farmers which aims to improve their incomes, statuses of their available support and profitability, and the standard of their living.

Producer Company is a company registered under the Companies Act, 2013, which has the objective of production, harvesting, procurement, grading, pooling, handling, marketing, selling, the export of primary produce of the Members, or import of goods or services for their benefit.

Advantages to Producers Company Registration

A producer company enjoys a separate legal entity and offers the facilities of limited liability and perpetuity.
Producer companies offer greater credibility as compared to that offered by unregistered organizations of agriculturists/farmers.
Changes in the Board of Management of a producer company can swiftly be made just through filing a few simple forms with the ROC concerned.
Only a duly registered producer company is entitled to sell or own a property in its name.
A registered producer company is fully entitled to accept deposits from or give loans to its agriculturist members, at reasonable rates of interest.
Overview Required documents How we process

A Producer Company is formed by 10 or more individuals or two or more institutions dealing in agricultural produces or post-harvest processing activities. Thus, a producer company is a legally recognized cluster of agriculturists/farmers which aims to improve their incomes, statuses of their available support and profitability, and the standard of their living.

Producer Company is a company registered under the Companies Act, 2013, which has the objective of production, harvesting, procurement, grading, pooling, handling, marketing, selling, the export of primary produce of the Members, or import of goods or services for their benefit.

1 Identity proof of Directors (PAN Card)

2 Address proof of Directors ( Aadhar Card, Passport, Driving Licence, Voter ID)

3 Proof of Registered office ( Electricity Bill with rent agreement and NOC from the owner)

4 Bank details of Directors.

5 Passport size photograph of Directors

Step 1: Receiving Documents & Apply, DIN & DSC 1-4 Days

Step 2 : Drafting MOA and AOA electronically in Spice MOA (INC-33) and Spice AOA (INC-34) 5-8 Days.

Step 3 : Submission of Spice Form INC-32 along with link Form Spice MOA (INC-33) and Spice AOA (INC-34)
9 to 14 Days.

Step 4 : Certificate Of Incorporation, PAN & TAN 15 to 20 Days


Every company has two parts to its name. The first part is unique. For example, ‘WIPRO’ or ‘MERCEDES-BENZ’. The second part describes the business activity of the company. For example, ‘Legal Solutions’ or ‘Technologies’. This second part must be as descriptive as possible. The name of the company must end with ‘Producer Company Limited’.

Expect it to take 35 to 40 days to complete the entire procedure. This will, however, depend on whether you have all your papers in order and the workload of the RoC.

Most importantly, all directors must have an identity and address proof and rights to practice on the property they are operating on. The owner of the registered office will also need to submit an NoC, stating that the company may operate from that location.

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GST Registration Thu, 13 Feb 2020 08:00:23 +0000 Starts GST Registration ₹ 2000/ Name* Phone* Email* Services*select ServicesCompany RegistrationLegal CompliancesLegal DocumentationIPR ServicesISO ServicesCorporate Aviation & Aerospace Message*SubmitReset GST Registration Every business or corporations that are involved in the buying and selling goods or providing services or both are required to register and obtain GSTIN. It is mandatory for companies whose turnover is more […]

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Starts GST Registration ₹ 2000/

GST Registration

Every business or corporations that are involved in the buying and selling goods or providing services or both are required to register and obtain GSTIN. It is mandatory for companies whose turnover is more than Rs.20 lakhs (for supply of services) and Rs. 40 lakhs (for supply of goods) yearly to register for a GST.

GST will have 3 tax components, which includes a central component (Central Goods and Services Tax or CGST) and a state component (State Goods and Services Tax or SGST) where center and state will levy GST on all entities, i.e. when a transaction happens within a state. Inter-state transactions will attract the Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST), to be levied by the center, i.e. when a transaction happens one state to another.

Advantages to GST Registration-

The GST will consolidate Central Excise Duty, Service Tax, VAT, Central Sales Tax, Customs Duty, Central Surcharge & Cass, Octree, Luxury Tax, Entertainment Tax, Purchase Tax and a few other indirect taxes. The GST will apply on all goods and services. Even petrol and petroleum products will eventually be subject to it.This would make tax collection and compliance easy for businesses across the country.
The GST council has decided on a four-tier structure. The GST rate will depend on the type of goods and services. Currently, the slab rates are 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%
Currently various businesses like restaurants, computer sales and services businesses have to deal with both VAT and Service Tax regulations resulting compliance burden on the business, as they have to calculate taxes for the transaction based on different rates for different items. With the Implementation of GST Business will be made easy
Since in some states under the VAT regime, businesses are required to comply with VAT regulations once they cross an annual turnover of Rs.5 lakhs. Under GST regime, GST liability occurs only if an entity crosses an annual turnover of Rs.10 lakhs in northeast or hill states, whereas for rest of India, the threshold is set at Rs.20 lakhs.
Overview Required documents How we process

Every business or corporations that are involved in the buying and selling goods or providing services or both are required to register and obtain GSTIN. It is mandatory for companies whose turnover is more than Rs.20 lakhs (for supply of services) and Rs. 40 lakhs (for supply of goods) yearly to register for a GST.

GST will have 3 tax components, which includes a central component (Central Goods and Services Tax or CGST) and a state component (State Goods and Services Tax or SGST) where center and state will levy GST on all entities, i.e. when a transaction happens within a state. Inter-state transactions will attract the Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST), to be levied by the center, i.e. when a transaction happens one state to another.


  • Name and object of the business
    PAN Card,
  • Address proof of proprietor
  • Passport Size Photograph
    Registered Address Proof (Electricity Bill, Phone Bill, Gas Bill)


  • PAN Card of LLP
  • LLP Agreement
  • Partners’ names and address proof


  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • PAN Card of Company
  • Articles of Association
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Resolution signed by board members
  • Identity and address proof of directors
    Registered Address Proof

Step 1: Receiving Documents & Information
1-2 Days

Step 2: Application Drafting 3-4 Days

Step 3 : Review & Changes 5 to 6 Days

Step 4: GST Registration
7 to 10 Days


An entity liable to be registered under GST should apply for registration within 30 days of meeting the criteria. Casual taxable persons and non-resident taxable persons are required to be registered under GST prior to commencing business.

GST registration does not have an expiry date. Hence, it will be valid until it’s cancelled, surrendered or suspended.Only GST registration for non-resident taxable persons and casual taxable persons have a validity period that is fixed by the authorities while issuing the GST registration certificate.

No, only persons registered under GST are allowed to collect GST from the customers. A person not registered under GST cannot even claim input tax credit on the GST paid.

Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) is a 15 digits state-wise PAN-based number to be used to identify businesses registered under GST.

Register your Business in India

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Partnership Firm Registration Thu, 13 Feb 2020 07:59:06 +0000 Starts Partnership Firm Registration from ₹ 6,999 /- Name* Phone* Email* Services*select ServicesCompany RegistrationLegal CompliancesLegal DocumentationIPR ServicesISO ServicesCorporate Aviation & Aerospace Message*SubmitReset Partnership Firm Registration Partnership firm suited for small and medium-sized businesses or home business in the unorganized sector having many directors or promoters. A partnership firm may be registered or unregistered. It is […]

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Starts Partnership Firm Registration from ₹ 6,999 /-

Partnership Firm Registration

Partnership firm suited for small and medium-sized businesses or home business in the unorganized sector having many directors or promoters. A partnership firm may be registered or unregistered. It is not mandatory to register. Partnership firms are formed by drafting a Partnership deed amongst the partners.

Legal Door helps you to registered or unregistered partnership firm within 10 days.

Advantages to form a partnership firm:

No annual filing required.
Easy to operate.
Business name advantage.
Partnership deed of promoters
Easy to open Bank Account with Business Name.
Overview Required documents How we process

Partnership firm suited for small and medium-sized businesses or home business in the unorganized sector having many directors or promoters. A partnership firm may be registered or unregistered. It is not mandatory to register. Partnership firms are formed by drafting a Partnership deed amongst the partners.

Legal Door helps you to registered or unregistered partnership firm within 10 days.

1 Identity proof of Directors (PAN Card)

2 Address proof of Directors ( Aadhar Card/ Passport/Driving Licence, Voter ID)

3 Proof of Registered office ( Electricity Bill with rent agreement and NOC from the owner)

4 Bank details of Directors.

5 Passport size photograph of Directors

Step 1: Basic Information 1-2 Days

Step 2: Draft of Partnership Deed 3-4 Days

Step 3: Review & Changes 5 to 7 Days

Step 4: Final Deed & Application of PAN Card 8 to 10 Days


A minimum of two Persons is required to start a Partnership firm. A maximum number of 20 Partners are allowed in a Partnership firm.

Partnership firms are registered by the Registrar of Firms, under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932.

Partnership firms are business entity that are owned, managed and controlled by one person. So Partners cannot be inducted into a Partnership firm.

There are restrictions on the transfer of ownership interest in a Partnership firm. A Partner cannot transfer his/her interest in the firm to any person (except to the existing partners) without the unanimous consent of all other partners.

The Partner must be an Indian citizen and a Resident of India. Non-Resident Indians and Persons of Indian Origin can only invest in a Proprietorship with prior approval of the Government of India.

Register your Business in India

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NBFC Registration Thu, 13 Feb 2020 07:58:38 +0000 Starts Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) from ₹ 10999/ Name* Phone* Email* Services*select ServicesCompany RegistrationLegal CompliancesLegal DocumentationIPR ServicesISO ServicesCorporate Aviation & Aerospace Message*SubmitReset Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) A Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) is a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 engaged in the business of loans and advances, acquisition of shares/stocks/bonds/debentures/securities issued by Government or […]

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Starts Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) from ₹ 10999/

Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC)

A Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) is a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 engaged in the business of loans and advances, acquisition of shares/stocks/bonds/debentures/securities issued by Government or local authority or other marketable securities of a like nature, leasing, hire-purchase, insurance business, chit business but does not include any institution whose principal business is that of agriculture activity, industrial activity, purchase or sale of any goods (other than securities) or providing any services and sale/purchase/construction of immovable property.

A non-banking institution which is a company and has principal business of receiving deposits under any scheme or arrangement in one lump sum or in installments by way of contributions or in any other manner, is also a non-banking financial company (Residuary non-banking company).

Advantages to registered Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

Easy legal compliance.
One partner is not responsible or liable for another partner’s misconduct or negligence.
Ownership over the property by Limited Liability Partnership.
Easy to do business for Professionals, Micro, and Small businesses that are family-owned or closely-held.
Long Existence
Overview Required documents How we process

A Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) is a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 engaged in the business of loans and advances, acquisition of shares/stocks/bonds/debentures/securities issued by Government or local authority or other marketable securities of a like nature, leasing, hire-purchase, insurance business, chit business but does not include any institution whose principal business is that of agriculture activity, industrial activity, purchase or sale of any goods (other than securities) or providing any services and sale/purchase/construction of immovable property.

A non-banking institution which is a company and has principal business of receiving deposits under any scheme or arrangement in one lump sum or in installments by way of contributions or in any other manner, is also a non-banking financial company (Residuary non-banking company).

1. Certificate of Company Incorporation.
2. Detailed information about the management along with a brochure of the company.
3. A copy of PAN/Corporate Identity Number (CIN) of the company.
4. Documents related to the office location/address
5. Certified copy of the Memorandum of Association (MoA) and Articles of Association (AoA).
6. List of Directors’ profile duly signed by each director must be attached.
7. CIBIL/credit reports of the Directors of the Company are required.
8. A copy of the board resolution which certifies that the company has not carried out or stopped NBFC activity and will not carry any until the registration from RBI is granted.
9. A board resolution on ‘Fair Practices Code’ is to be passed and a certified copy of the same is to be submitted.
10. Certificate issued by the statutory auditor stating that the company is not holding the public deposit and does not accept it as well.
11. Certificate specifying owned funds as on the date of the application from the Statutory Auditor is required.
12. Information regarding the bank account, balances, loans, credits, etc. is to be furnished.
13. If applicable, audited balance sheet and profit and loss statement along with the directors and auditors report of the preceding three years has to be submitted.
14. Self-certified copy of the bank statement and Income Tax Returns is required.
15. Information detailing the company’s future plan, generally for the next 3 years, along with the projection of balance sheets, cash flow statement and income statement

Step 1: Register the company under the Companies Act 2013 or under Companies Act 1956.
Step 2: Minimum Net Owned Funds of the Company should be Rs. 2 crore or more.
Step 3: There should be atleast 1 director in the company from the same background.
Step 4: Good CIBIL score is required to present in order to register as NBFC.
Step 5: Next, visit RBI’s official website and fill in the application form.
Step 6: Submit all the required documents along with the application form.
Step 7: Once you have submitted the application form, a CARN number will be generated.
Step 8: Send the hard copy of the application to the regional branch of RBI.
Step 9: After the application is checked and verified, the License will be given to the company..


Only NBFC’s which have special authorization from the Bank and have an investment-grade are allowed to accept and hold deposits up to 1.5 times of its Net Owned Funds. However, all NBFC’s are barred from accepting demand deposits that include savings and current account deposits.

Certain guidelines have been laid down by RBI that has to be complied with. Submission of Income Tax Returns, ROC Returns, Statutory Audit, Tax Audit, various NBS returns for Deposit accepting and non-deposit accepting companies are some of the most important statutory compliances.

A 50/50 test means that a firm’s financial assets constitute more than 50% of the total assets and income from financial assets constitute more than 50% of the gross income. A firm which fulfills both these criteria will be registered with the RBI as an NBFC. If, after registration, a firm violates the 50/50 criteria then RBI has the authority to penalize the NBFC.

There are numerous NBFCs in India but some of the leading NBFCs include Bajaj Finserv, Aditya Birla, Tata Capital, Muthoot Finance, HDB Finance, Capital First, Lendingkart Finance, IIFL, etc.

Register your Business in India

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