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Pvt. Ltd. Company Registration

Starts New Private Limited Company from ₹ 11,999 /-

Private Limited Company

Private Limited Company is a highly popular and operable entity among the business person and corporate house in India. Ministry of corporate affairs is the governing body for all private limited companies. Companies Act 2013 and the company incorporation rule 2014 under which all private limited company gets registered. Minimum two directors and two shareholders are required for any private limited.
Legal Door helps you to incorporate a private limited company within 10 days.

An advantage to incorporate a private limited company:

Transferable ownership by transferring shares.
It can raise the fund by raising equity shares.
Ownership over the property by the private limited company.
A legal entity is fully separate.
Long Existence.
Overview Required documents How we process

Private Limited Company is a highly popular and operable entity among the business person and corporate house in India. Ministry of corporate affairs is the governing body for all private limited companies. Companies Act 2013 and the company incorporation rule 2014 under which all private limited company gets registered. Minimum two directors and two shareholders are required for any private limited.
Legal Door helps you to incorporate a private limited company within 10 days.

Required Documents for Private Limited Company Registration

In regard to the Private Limited Company registration, following documents are needed:

  • Self-attested PAN card copy
  • One (Color) Photograph
  • Self-attested copy of any one of the Identity Proof like Driving License, Passport or Voter ID.
  • Self-attested copy of any one of the Address Proof like Bank Pass Book/Bank Statement, Telephone Landline Bill/ Mobile Bill or Electricity Bill.
  • For the Company Address proof Electricity Bill, Telephone Bill, Mobile Bill or Gas Bill AND Rent Agreement (If Rented) AND NOC for doing Business & for taking Registration.

Step 1 : Receiving Documents & Apply, DIN & DSC  1-2 Days

Step 2 : Drafting MOA and AOA electronically in Spice MOA (INC-33) and Spice AOA (INC-34) 3-5 Days

Step 3: Submission of Spice Form INC-32 along with link Form Spice MOA (INC-33) and Spice AOA (INC-34) 6 to 9 Days

Step 4: Certificate Of Incorporation, PAN & TAN 10 to 12 Days



No, new company registration is a fully online process. As all documents are filed electronically, you would not need to be physically present at all. You would need to send us scanned copies of all the required documents & forms.

The Registrar of Companies (RoC) across India expect applicant to follow a few naming guidelines. Some of them are subjective, which means that approval can depend on the opinion of the officer handling your application. However, the more closely you follow the rules listed below, the better your chances of approval. First, however, do ensure that your name is available.

If you have all the documents in order, it will take no longer than 15 days. However, this is dependent on the workload of the registrar.

The can be divided into four categories: cost of setting a private limited company, cost of accounting and auditing, cost of compliance and miscellaneous expenses. At the very minimum, you can expect to spend Rs. 40,000 on all of these.

A Private Limited Company can choose to attain, own, enjoy and isolate property in its own name. No shareholders are eligible to make any claim upon the property of the company as long as the company is a running entity.

Register your Business in India

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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