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Public Limited Company Registration

Starts New Public Limited Company from ₹ 29,999 /-

Public Limited Company Registration

Public Limited Company is the most ideal for medium and large-sized corporate houses. Ministry of corporate affairs is the governing body for all public limited companies. Companies Act 2013 and the company incorporation rule 2014 under which all public limited company gets registered. A minimum of three Directors is required to form a Public Limited Company. In a public limited company, a minimum number of members is seven while there is no cap on the maximum number of members. Legal Door helps you to incorporate a public limited company within 15 days.

Advantages to incorporate a private limited company:

Raising the fund from the public.
A public limited company can be listed in the stock exchange.
Ownership over the property by Public limited company.
A legal entity is fully separate.
Long Existence
Overview Required documents How we process

Public Limited Company is the most ideal for medium and large-sized corporate houses. Ministry of corporate affairs is the governing body for all public limited companies. Companies Act 2013 and the company incorporation rule 2014 under which all public limited company gets registered. A minimum of three Directors is required to form a Public Limited Company. In a public limited company, a minimum number of members is seven while there is no cap on the maximum number of members. Legal Door helps you to incorporate a public limited company within 15 days.


For Directors/Shareholders
  • Copy of PAN Card
  • Identity Proof (Voter Card, Passport, Driving Licence)
  • Address Proof (Bank Statement, Mobile bill, Telephone bill, Electricity Bill)
  • Passport Size Photo

For Registered Office

  • Ownership Proof (Electricity Bill, Gas bill, Electricity Bill, Mobile Bill)
  • NOC (Download Format)


Step 1 : Receiving Documents & Apply, DIN & DSC 1-2 Days.

Step 2 : Drafting MOA and AOA. 3-4 Days

Step 3 : INC-1 for name reservation, INC-12 for Licence (Depends upon different ROC) and Spice Form 32 6 to 9 Days

Step 4 : Certificate Of Incorporation, PAN & TAN
10 to 12 Days




To incorporate a company we required approximately 10 to 12 working days. The time taken for incorporation will depend on submission of relevant documents by the client and speed of Government Approvals. To ensure speedy process of incorporation, please choose a unique name for your Company and ensure you have all the required documents are provided before starting the incorporation process.

The Director required to be above 18 years of age and must be a natural person. He may or may not be citizen or residence of India. We can say that even foreign nationals can be Directors in Indian Public Limited Company.

In case of Public Limited Company, Minimum three (3) and Maximum Fifteen (15) numbers of directors are required.

There is no limit on maximum number of member; however minimum numbers of members are Seven (7).

A Public limited company must get its statutory audit done by a Chartered Accountant at the financial year end and it also required to file Income Tax Return to Income Tax Department. In Addition to that a company also required to file its Annual Filling Forms with Registrar of Companies. Further the Public Limited Company must conduct Board Meeting atleast once in every 3 months and an Annual General Meeting, at least once in every year and also maintain Minutes of every Board Meetings and General Meetings and Statutory Registers.

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